Discussion: WATCH LIVE: Clinton Holds Rally In North Carolina At 12 PM ET

What’s Do-nothing Donald up to today?
I hear he was so exhausted by the Forum that he had two hot chocolates before bedtime. Is he up yet? Tweeting?

God, I wish I had her energy.

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So is Goober McCrory gonna inspect HRC before she goes to the bathroom?

It’s the Tarheel way!

But he wont release his own birth cert which people are saying is blank for gender which by law would mean he isn’t allowed to use any public bathroom.

Who wants to bet that a certain TPM “reporter” will jump in afterward to tell us that it’s not a real rally, just damage control after her hideous performance at last night’s forum?


I like everything this mayor (of Charlotte) is saying, she’s quite nervous though. She’s sincere and strongly believes what she’s saying, I can tell. I also like she mentioned HB2 prohibits municipalities from setting minimum wages. I like she’s talking about getting out the vote – and naming the different groups the Republicans are targeting.

edited for grammar/spelling

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I’m voting for her and definitely don’t want Trump but I can’t stand listening to political bloating even if it’s coming from supporters of and the the person I want to win.

Listening to Springsteen, I hope he does a few events for Hillary this year. I saw him out for Obama on the Ben Franklin Pkwy in Philly in '08 about a week before the election. Because I had been a long-time volunteer at our local Dem HQ, I got VIP entry tickets - it was a free event but the front section was “reserved” - and we were just a few feet from the stage. It was a great October day!

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I think you mean NBC, not TPM. The comment you are referencing, I believe, came from a Chuck Todd tweet this morning.

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Interestingly, Katherine has now completely changed her morning news article here in advance of HRC’s press conference (how very NYT of her). @johnbarleycorn is absolutely correct - Katherine did report just that and did not attribute it to anyone else. Her original story began with

Breaking her more than 250-day press conference drought with a Thursday morning presser…

But don’t get me started again on Katherine and her sloppy regurgitation of GOP talking points.


Wow, this young woman is a good speaker!

“…and the children shall lead them”

It is so important for American and world history that we honor this woman with a massive turn-out and vote. Even more, if you can believe it, important and key in these future days than was Mr. Obama’s election back in '08.


love this gal!


Agreed. “What did you do in 2016, Mommy/Daddy?” will be a question a number of Americans will be able to answer with pride down through the ages, as they describe how they resisted the Evil of Donald Trump.

Or, in Donald Trump’s case, “And the chicken shall lead them.”