Discussion: Watch Julia Louis-Dreyfus And Biden In Epic Correspondents' Dinner Video

Discussion for article #222361

Julia Louis-Dreyfus has more wealth than everyone in the White House combined.

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Nothing about Benghazi? Now they’ve roped in that poor Elaine into their cover up. WHEN WILL THEY COME CLEAN?!?


Best line (after Nancy Pelosi’s Koch brothers joke)? “Yellow? Seriously? Yellow…”

Makes me want to go car-shopping.


Sure beats the shit out of “no, no WMD’s under the desk…”


Maybe its just me, but it plays a lot better on youtube today than it did over CSpan yesterday. I missed that whole tattoo part when they first arrive at the parlor and go thru the guy’s book of other tattoos done on politicians. Its silly but kinda cute.


I bust a gut when she did her Kevin-Spacey-talking-to-the-camera-House-of-Cards takedown! Very funny stuff. Julia Louis-Dreyfus has one of those faces that makes you want to start laughing before she even says a word. And I’d say Biden’s got a future in film if he wants it!


Boehner watching panda videos is the best part.


Biden definitely has a future in doing Summer stock if he wants to.


More proof that DC politics is a bleak, dark version of theatre full of poor players that strut and fret their hour upon the stage.

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Last I looked it was north of $3 billion.


Um, yeah, and this is relevant why exactly?

Perhaps she’s also being courted to contribute big to Democratic candidates in 2016…that possibility must have eluded you.

Yea I thought the best part was , “we can talk to the camera, we’re just not supposed to”
And the ice cream thing was pretty good. Biden has always been great on camera, especially when someone else is doing the writing. Politics/Acting not so far apart really - at least the public parts.


And she’s funny, too. I have to admit, this really cracked me up.


Uh, oh. Poe’s law. I can’t tell. I really can’t. We need a snark label.


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Yes, I’ve always enjoyed JLD’s comic offerings.


Are our President and his cabinet cool, yes they are, and that too is nice.

Were Bush/Cheney anything to laugh about, if you think hundreds of thousands dying for a phony war and economical disaster are funny, then I guess so.

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Not sure where you got that figure but I came across this:

Looks like its about $200 million…but whatever…Not sure why her net worth is all that important other than she does tend to support democratic initiatives and for some, that’s just gotta be a bridge to far I guess. As for the Koch Bros. however…those billions trying to influence our elections, by standing in the shadows using front groups to hide behind…that’s the real problem with moneyed interests in politics. Their dirty energy agenda is playing fast and loose with a whole lot of campaign finance rules, pretending to be doing social advocacy and drumming up nonsensical ads against “the dreaded Obamacare”. All they really want to do is change the subject away from how they plan on getting their polluting, non-regulatory agenda in place for the country’s energy future by buying off the entire political landscape with as much as they can get away with.


Nice. I did read the article, and after she shares her inheritance (at at some point hither) she’ll have a net worth around a billion dollars. I would hope she sees the value in countering the Kochs, et al, with some of that fortune.

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