Discussion: WATCH: Guest Tells Fox Host Health Exchange Issue Not Obama's Fault

Discussion for article #232755

"“Well, I didn’t have any healthcare before the Affordable Healthcare Act went in,” Roussel responded. “And it was because of that, I was actually able to afford it. However, this year with the premiums jumping up, I have to make a little bit more of a tighter budget to figure out how to pay for the extra premiums that are coming my way.”

Carlson then clarified Roussel’s experience with the Colorado exchange.

“So, you were the guy they passed Obamacare for. You had your policy canceled, you were signed up for something you didn’t want, you had never heard of, never asked for,” Carlson said.

Roussel then said he has not yet received confirmation that his plan was reinstated.

"So, how has this made you feel about the whole Obamacare experiment?” Carlson asked.


Snip snip snip…“Obamacare victim tells our own Faux News that it was because of the whole Obamacare experiment that he has lost his healthcare and faces rising premiums once he gets it back.”

BTW, is it fucking mandatory that Faux News hosts mug the RWNJ “righteous indignation” face no matter what their guest is saying? What a pathetic and miserable way to go through life these people choose.




…and Tucker cried

before his temper tantrum blaming his producer

and JonStewart

For making him appear as stupid as he really is.


“So, you were the guy they passed Obamacare for. You had your policy canceled, you were signed up for something you didn’t want, you had never heard of, never asked for,” Carlson said.

No, you disengenuous, craven asshole. He’s saying there was a computer glitch that canceled his plan and he has to temporarily pay a little more for his current plan, and he blames the CEO who know about it but did nothing to fix it. That’s all. This is not some kind of indictment against Obamacare nor is it some sort of revelation about the solvency of the law. It’s a fucking computer glitch.


Ask leading questions much, Tucker?


I can’t believe I am typing this > kudos to fox – for NOT pre-managing THIS guest… I don’t think it will ever happen again though.


Tucker’s little mind must have exploded. Roussel confused him with the facts. Clearly Tucker didn’t know what to do at that point. Oh the humanity.


Not exactly, Pluck. He actually said that his premiums were going up on last year’s plan, which is why he had to go online to find one that may be better.

However, on the plus side, your characterization of Tucker as a “disingenuous, craven asshole” is right on the mark.


And Tucker Carlson is a genetic glitch.



This IMHO is the year of COMEUPPANCE for faux news? Oreilly has been catching it lately and Tucker seems to be getting a taste here.

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I certainly hope so…

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Somebody going off-script and slipping some truth into a Fox News segment must be like DEFCON 1 behind the scenes over there. I can almost imagine some sort of an alarm system and building evacuation protocol specifically for when it happens.



Thanks. There are some conservatives who I simply cannot watch or hear their voice. Carlson is one of them, so I try to get the gist of the exchange from the article and avoid the video. Obviously, it doesn’t always work out so well.

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Fox News – Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools. Non-fools, however, easily avoid the trap. This is why Fox News tries so hard not to invite non-fools on their shows. So they’re left with the lkes of Dinesh D’Souza and Ben Carson.

Well, “these people” - I don’t think it’s Tucker Carlson’s fault.

It can’t be his ‘fault’ that he was born wealthy, is proceeding thru life wealthy off trust funds, family investments and inheritance, and has no personal experience with which to empathize. It’s a BURDEN, fcol: it handicaps him in being able to interview folks who were NOT rendered wealthy for life by accident of birth.

It also can’t be his ‘fault’ he’s burdened with a pathology incapable of sympathy with others too different from his own circumstances. Miss America in Bananas explained so well that freedom to express points of view different from the establishment can be a healthy thing for our way of life, but if they’re TOO different, then the person expressing them becomes a subversive mofo. It was clear that the person she meant to be understood by us as ‘a subversive mofo’ could never be Tucker Carlson.

Cporrection: Imploded. “Exploded” implies there was something in there wanting to get out.

Everything that is bad or fails MUST be someone’s fault. So why not blame Obama?

Except for the failure to do anything useful that is commonly known as “The GOP”. That’s not a defect - it;s a feature!

this is what happens when you leave the pre-interview to 22yo interns… (prolly 'ex’intern by now)…