Discussion: WATCH: Clinton Says ‘Sorry’ After Returning Late To Debate Stage

Discussion for article #243978

slow news day?


I fully expect many in the mainstream media will do all they can to mention this world-changing event. Watch how many of the Sunday pundits mention it simply because it gives them a free shot at Clinton.


But I thought love is never having to say your sorry. And she loves us… and yes, we love her.

Note that O’Malley wasn’t standing there when they started talking either, he walked up in the first ~15 seconds. I mean, come on, are we really going to criticize her for taking a bit longer in the bathroom? Stuff happens, she’s human too, and I doubt it affected anything in the debate whatsoever.

I missed that. I must’ve been in the bathroom taking a pee.

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What would they expect her to say? “I’m baaaaack”?

More than likely so was she.

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Hey, she explained last debate, it takes a bit longer than the men.

The thing is, she went right into the question when it moved to her without missing a beat.

I think this, “the Force Be With You”, the “I hope all people like me” comments were brilliant. It showed personality while at the same time she is sharp as a tack on the actual issues. If I didn’t know better, I would swear Bill has been doing some coaching :wink:


I’m sure we’ll hear plenty of theories about why she was late. More than half will involve Benghazi.


Every woman in this country understood that moment. Some will lie and pretend they don’t, but we all got it. We’ve all been stuck in line, or fussing with clothing and undergarments, fighting with toilet paper, etc. and had to walk back into a professional situation a minute or two late because of it. Owning it was just magnificent!


But there wouldn’t have been a line for her bathroom.

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Thing is, when she’s relaxed and confident (as she pretty much has been since the first debate and the Benghazithon), IMHO she’s genuinely personable. Catch her recent appearances on the late-night shows: that kinda-sorta-dirty laugh of hers alone – which is frequently triggered by stuff other pols wouldn’t want to react to at all – may be her biggest political asset. Seeing a few of those appearances, together with the contrast of her terrific Charlie Rose interview of a few weeks ago, have made me think she’s got more in common with Bill than we give her credit for. The main difference seems to be that he can turn it on at will whatever the circumstances, which makes him the better performer – but her, maybe, the better person.

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Anyone who cannot pee standing up has no business occupying the Oval Office!
(Anticipating a talking point on the next episode of FOX and Friends.)

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Anyone who has to stand up in the morning has no business being in the Oval Office, Ted.

Yes, on NBC’s ‘Meet The Press,’ Chuck Todd will ask Mike Huckabee, “Governor, what do you think she really meant by saying this – what’s your take – why should she be sorry?”


Although you might want to rewatch the bathroom scene in Step Brothers.

All this talk of pee breaks is unfounded, although a long line at the women’s bathroom is completely plausible.
Have any of Bernie’s staffers uncovered the real explanation?

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I thougjht all three were good. O’Malley is a handsome guy but seems unauthentic. I thought Bernie was great but Hillary stole the show. May the force be with us in 2016

So she had to pee. Jeebus. These media “journalists” are like jr high school girls.