Open sores with happy faces carved in them? Like the kindly pastor was describing at the religious conference this past weekend? Just checking…
Think much the same. We are in dire need for a real opposition political party for democratic institutions to function as they are supposed to. Currently we effectively only have one political party.
I think there actually have been a lot of fringe whackjob candidates, as nutty as Carson, in the past. And that we hardly heard of their names back then was not without reason – things then were such that those whacks wouldn’t have made it to nationally televised debate stages, put their names on the ballot across the states, etc. No Citizens United, no SuperPac, no internet, no social media, whereas the current golden age of gerrymandering was yet to come to fruition.
I don’t think Carson will win the R nomination, but the fact he is leading nationally (no matter how meaningless national polls are) is yet another indication something is really, really wrong.
The very same. If there is anything secular progressives love to do it’s to carve happy faces in pus. (In fact, that’s what I’m planning to do this afternoon with my family.)
Yes, and the upcoming bitchslapfight between Bush and Rubio will be epic entertainment. I can just visualize them overcautiously circling each other, mixing in an occasional tentative weak jab, only to leap back into defensive mode, while their aides gather round, egging them on. It will be so laughably lame.
That would be a fun question to kick around come cocktail time.
Wow… that is a comment that would benefit from a phonetic transcription. If I had not watched the Maddow clip, I’d think you were nasty!
Cut 'em some slack, when your candidate is Ben Carson it’s kind of hard to top that joke
Not me. I am only following the lead of the good pastor. (And sadly “pussy” is the correct spelling of the word describing a pus covered wound.)
That brings to mind the old SNL skit, “Que es muy macho: Fernando Lamas, or Ricardo Montalban?”
So now it’s "Que es muy loco: Michele Bachmann, or Ben Carson?
(I don’t know a lick of Spanish, so apologies for my butchery of the language…)
Would that be the same God who let Ben Carson get punked by some pranksters at Yale?
Getting mocked by Teabaggers is like Keira Knightly getting mocked by Mike Huckabee for being too fat.
Maybe it’s not his past but his lying present people are waking up to?
That was so pathetic; JEB! should try using it.
So your staff mocks the media for fact checking things you’ve said? For fucks sake Ben, go campaign in Egypt or something.
yes, because no Republican ever has dug relentlessly into Obama’s past or Hillary’s past, dredging up the most obscure minutiae possible and spinning it into the crime of the century.
… people who intend to vote in Republican primaries.
Yes, that’s what I meant (although some match-up polls do show this guy ahead of Hillary, which is mind-boggling). And the likes of Carson, ultra extremist whacks like him, would hardly have led primary polls in this durable manner several cycles ago. They would have been dismissed as a fringe as a fringe should be.
The entire Carson Machine is a huge GriftMobile. The staff is just as certain as Carson is that he will never get the nomination, much less win the election. Every last one of them is in it for the quick money and because most of the staff is probably otherwise unemployed (or unemployable) and leeching off the system until they go back home to the parents. Carson really has set the bar about as low as it can go; shamelessly pandering to the insane elements of the GOP base. But, running for POTUS must be a lucrative break from the real world or all these con-artists wouldn’t endure the cesspool they’re swimming in for the next 8 months or so.
More proof that Comedy, Irony, and Sarcasm are completely lost on Conservatives.
Walk into the light of the GOP infotainment bubble…