Discussion: WATCH: C-SPAN Caller Asks Hastert 'Do You Remember Me From Yorkville?'

Hey I am Danish, I want my Dane-gæld.

(Which was the tax the Brits payed to their Danish overlords more than 1000 years agon. You can still find traces of Danish/Germanic in the English language today).

I think she should know if he is gay or bisexual. That’s a pretty big thing. Many men hide that from their wives and just use them to have a family and appear straight. His wife should know if she was “played” as such.

And yes, when a former Speaker of the House gets “busted” for a gay sex coverup, yet took anti-gay rights stances, that’s also a big deal. I don’t care if he is retired, it was only 8 years ago that he was in Congress, and that’s when Republicans controlled things and were pushing very anti-gay legislation and ideas. That total hypocrisy is indeed a huge deal.

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People in general are hypocrites, but I see your point if it rose to the level where he initiated anti Gay rights legislation. I’ll google his record on that issue.

I disagree that she needs to know about every single relationship he might’ve had before marrying her. It’s really none of her business.

In any case, I doubt he’d be willing to pay 3.5 Million dollars to keep this misconduct or whatever from his wife. He could just confide in her, so not buying the wife concern part. It had to be a minor.

I didn’t say that. I said sexual orientation. If a guy is gay and only gets married to a woman to have kids and look straight, he is running a scam on her. She has a right to know that. And it happens a lot.

Well, since you’re down here in the gutter with the rest of us, all we ask is that you not fart.

There’s no proof he was scamming her or is Gay or bi.
He might’ve been experimenting or who knows. In any case, pedophilia is more about control than sexual orientation.
As the story unfolds we’ll see. But as I said he could confide in her instead of handing over 3.5 million dollars of money that also belongs to his wife and kids to keep a secret that didn’t really need keeping to the tune of 3.5 million $.

She would also want to know if he was a pedophile, right?

You actually think he would pay that kind of money if all he had to do was confide in his wife. Also, this person was likely going public with this if not for the money. Yes, he would pay that kind of money to keep from the public and his wife that he was a PEDOPHILE, I don’t find that hard to believe. Why do you? You really think Hastert wanted to go public and say “hey, I molested kids, and I just want it out in the open, and by the way I am going to tell my wife too…”. No, he was willing to pay to cover that up, and if not for the Patriot Act, he would have easily made the payments and no one would have found out.

Edit: And for record, I fell for your bait. What Hastert did is not pedophilia or child molestation. He had sex with a minor. In cases where the kid is past puberty, sexual orientation is definitely relevant.

So yes, Hastert was also hiding that he was gay or bi, no doubt.

I’d say that would be pretty high on the “my husbands history I’d like to know about” list, yes. It’s astounding people think all this was “cool”, and all he had to do was go public so he would not have to pay. These are VERY serious allegations, and he clearly was willing to pay cash to hide them, and if not for the Patriot Act, he gets away with it.

If I recall, the Patriot Act nailed Spitzer too. Shame, he would have made a great Attorney General.

[quote=“MrComments, post:90, topic:20981, full:true”]
You actually think he would pay that kind of money if all he had to do was confide in his wife. [/quote]

What? No, you thought that and argued such as written in your previous posts that I was arguing against.
Do keep up with the flow of your own arguments, Mrcomments.

So, you’re seeing it my way now? Ok. Cool then we agree.

That was my point all along, scroll up to our initial posts, that his indiscretion had to involve a minor and not an 18 yo as you suggested in the post I replied to. Your initial assertion I argued against was that it could’ve been an 18 yo with which I disagreed. I replied that he would not pay 3.5 million just because of embarrassment to his wife and a political career that had already ended as you had suggested, if it wasn’t pedophilia.
I don’t see a money loving person doing this. It has to be pedophilia with which you now agree.

No, we do not totally agree. What Hastert did was not pedophilia or child molestation, I took your bait without thinking. Those involve actual prepubescent kids, generally under 11. What Hastert did was have sex with a minor. He is gay or bi, and he took advantage of under aged boys. Having sex with underage boys is indeed a crime he was covering up, but he also was covering up that he was gay or bi. Don’t forget he could not at that point have been prosecuted for it anyway.

If those boys had been of legal age, I’d bet he would still have paid to cover up the gay sex part. That totally ruins it with his wife and kids, and also makes the Republicans look like hypocrites. Huge deal.

And if this had been an under aged girls, Hastert likely would not even have tried to cover it up. It was not able to be prosecuted, and he could just say he was a little too horny at that age, and all the Republicans would think it was fine. No gay issue to deal with.

It’s the reverse but nice try.
It is I who took your bait, but I wasn’t entirely blindsided. Scroll up and you’ll see the only part of your post I argued against was the assertion that the victim might’ve been of age. I argued that I disagreed on that argument because Hastert would not have paid all that money if there wasn’t some pedophilia involved. You went all around on different tangents but my argument was always the same, the misconduct had to involve a minor not somebody of age. It defies logic he would pay 3.5 million dollars of his money just to cover up a same gender encounter with another male. It could always be explained as a phase. It doesn’t mean he was Gay because he experimented which is what it would’ve been if the boy was of legal age. I hope that settles this.
Oh, you’re going to continue. Yes, if she had been a minor girl, he would’ve definitely tried to cover it up too. It’s the pedophilia the problem not the person’s gender. Really?

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