Discussion: Watch A Trump Judicial Nominee Fail To Answer GOP Sen's Questions About Law

Petersen’s intended place in the New Judicial Firmament was to cast an adoring glow upon new Republican curtailments of certain people’s right to vote.

And for this role he was well chosen and amply qualified.


Fresh air and bright light is the best disinfectant.

I hope Petersen will be laughed off stage…


I’m not a lawyer and I know daubert.


Still cannot get over the fact this guy did not step back and say “no thank you”. He might be a perfectly functional human being and as you said able to do things with his education, but he should also be able to know this was not his venue. There is a mental disconnect in there somewhere.

He allowed himself to be made a fool by this §resident.


Matthew Spencer Petersen was a graduate of Brigham Young University. Apparently, that magic underwear isn’t bailing his ass out.
I would have guessed he was a graduate of Roy Cohn State University which, BTW, has a great rugby team.


A can of Raid don’t hurt, either.


Court clerks in LA learn about motions in limits in training.

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That’s the part that gets me too. I’m dead serious here - if someone tried to appoint me a federal judge, I would flat freak out because I am not qualified and I would not let somebody put me in a public hearing over things I knew I didn’t know - I have no desire to be humiliated or to try something I know I’m not equipped to do. For my own vanity and pride if nothing else.


WeLL qualiFied. WaTched allTwenty seAsons oF law & order and EverY singlE episode oF Cop Rock!


Wow, a federal judicial nominee who did not know about motion in limine.

I am thinking First Lady Melaria Trump, who is a seasoned plagiarist, multi-talented architect, dancer, model and movie star, Confederate Silicone monument Iwank Trump or Beavis Eric Trump might be better judicial nominees.


I had to search for it somewhere else, because it was no longer available, but yes, very painful.

If that guy had any sense or ability to be embarrassed or shamed, he never would have subjected himself to that in the first place. He’s so totally unqualified at this point in his career and should not have even been considered for a judicial appointment.

It’s hard to observe what the republicans are doing to the judiciary in this country. Or is it? Wow.

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And there’s a level of arrogant naivete on the part of this dimwit to even think he was in the ballpark of being qualified for this appointment.

See, but here’s the thing, he will probably still get 40+ votes (if he doesn’t withdraw after this went viral). Look who got approved:

Rick Perry (lol),
Scott Pruitt (who doesn’t think the agency he runs should exist, and has enormous conflicts of interest),
Betsy Devos (a moron who has no educational experience and only got appointed for being a huge donor. She just wants to defund public schools so parents can get money to send their kids to religious charter schools that teach that Jesus rode dinosaurs and the earth is 6000 years old);
Ben Carson (IDK how you can be a talented surgeon and be such an arrogant moron. Oh, and he’s not involved in his field, he’s in housing and urban development…uh, why?)

This list goes on and on.

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I actually changed a flat tire on the highway once, so Secretary of Transportation Elaine Chao better watch her ass, ‘cause I’m gunnin’ for that sweet gig! (Besides, I’m sure she’d rather be home canoodling with Mitch. And you don’t have to thank me for putting that pleasant image into your heads. Just genuflect the next time you see me walk by.)


But it’s more advanced than knowing the alphabet, let’s agree on that. : )


But how’s your Perry Mason and LA Law?


I believe he’d make an excellent slip-and-fall attorney…

as long as he had an airtight case.

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Hey, that comes pretty close to online bullying, dahlink!
Yeah, whatever happened to her great crusade? It’s almost like someone’s Twitter Thumbs “escorted” the very idea out of existence.


Not much to figure here.

If the judge is put in place to make whatever decision he believes would make Donald happy, then knowledge of the law disqualifies.

These are lifetime appointments, and the GOP senate is throwing out Senate protocol so they can shove these banana republic tin pot dictators right down our throats.

Except those nominations, appointments and confirmations happened before VA, NJ, and AL elections. Trump has lost his juice to sitting pols that have to run. And if his favorables go any lower no one will show up for his SOTU address, which should be a hoot.


Except this isn’t the executive branch. The appointment of unqualified hacks to cabinet positions on the basis of loyalty, while, not quite the thing and a long term prescription for disaster, is as old as the Republic itself.

Appointing an utterly unqualified hack to a federal judgeship isn’t more of the same, or more of the same except a little worse, or even in the same category. Because incompetent cabinet secretaries can be forced out and usually are when their stupidity inevitably embarrasses the president.

Federal judges sit for life. Federal judges have the literal power of life and death in their hands. Federal District Court judges have the power to issue injunctions that can shut down the president of the United States cold. Federal judges cannot be forced to resign. They can only be impeached.

Oh, and federal judges are members of the branch charged with ensuring that the political branches act lawfully. It is the branch that is institutionally charged with preventing the easy descent into tyranny that lies before the political branches.

If he’d made this idiot FEMA director it would have been bad, but he’d have been out after the first hurricane. As a federal judge, the harm he can do is incalculable.

And this is why, right now, at this moment, I would be tempted choke the fucking life out of some “moi vote must be earrrrned Hillary is sooooo corrupt I am so tiiired of having to choose the lesser evil” third party voting asshole if he came within my reach right now.

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