Discussion: WATCH: 2 Minutes Of CNN's Over-The-Top Runaway Blimp Coverage

it’s over. chris christie has been captured.


“We’ve never seen anything like this in the United States before…”
-Wolf Blitzer



C’mon CNN, I thought you were the first with breaking coverage!

A suspect who’s believed to have detached the “Runaway Blimp” has been apprehended:

This is the problem with 24 hour news channels. There’s not enough real “news” to justify 24 hours every day.



Obviously much more exciting and relevant to Americans’ lives than tonight’s GOP debate.

Even the local news people can’t help amping everything up to absurd levels. Like 20 years ago they started yelling, literally almost-yelling, in the beginning of the winter when three-quarters of an inch of snow would fall in the Philly area. There’d be grass still sticking up through it on the lawns, and these people would be carrying on like it was lava falling out of the sky and not fluffy white stuff that meant you had to slow down a bit on the road. It’s no wonder people don’t know a goddamn thing about the world around them.


Spot news, the police blotter, the daily noise, wasn’t so much the province of networks until after deregulation and the hyper political frenzy of the Bush II years where today it’s used as bulk time filler between political nonsense. Networks, once, had a broader, educational approach believe it or not.
Once legendary local investigative and documentary news operations in my city have, today, been reduced to police blotter, traffic reports, weather and, a recent addition, birthdays and pet news!

Media deregulation killed a Federal licensing requirement, something called ‘Community Ascertainment’, where the broadcaster seeks out the needs of the local audience. “The FCC now relies on [the much less expensive] broadcasters and the marketplace to meet their general obligation to serve their local communities.” Yea, and I have a bridge in Brooklyn for sale.

(Written in Squishese but a good primer)


Gawd, look at Wolf’s face. You’d swear he was seeing this:


Witness the recent weather cataclysm that occurred in Texas and then up into the northeast. I am truly shocked any of us lived through it. The hype (in a years-long span of time without major tropical weather) about the low merging with the remnants of Patricia was more than I remember for hurricanes Rita or Ike.

Many local events were cancelled or rescheduled, we were told to stay off the roads, and everyone hunkered down waiting for the… light to moderate rain that fell for several hours. For sure there was some localized flooding, but come on, people!


It can surveil an area the size of Texass? What and how is it surveilling? How do we know there aren’t listening devices onboard to hear us down below? Am I paranoid? Did I just subscribe to the tinfoil hat club? What do we know about this behemoth anyway?
My kid used to have one of these. Is this blimp supposed to be a giant listening post in the sky?

Me thinks I need to lay off the coffee today perhaps.

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The Blimp That Can See Around Corners!, A CNN Special Report


Same here in Michigan. Light rain all last night, today and probably tomorrow. Sucks, but its not like we haven’t seen rain here in the fall before. In fact, I can’t remember a Halloween here in the last several years when it didn’t rain on that day at some point. Meanwhile the U.P. and other areas of the State from increasing lake effect will get several feet of snow at some point every winter but OMG when it snows 3-4 inches out east…Katy bar the door.

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I bet Alex Jones starts screaming that this was a foiled government plot to get our guns.


Oh, the humanity!


actually there’s plenty of real news to cover; it’s just that it typically requires reading documents and an ability to analyze that information.

i haven’t seen once today any report on the court decision ordering alabama to reinstate the funding for planned parenthood… you know that issue that was headline news just a few short weeks ago… now down the memory hole.


Every day, on cable TV, is a brand new science-less, history-less, art-less day except for certain loaded turns of phrase and arcs of rightwing spin…

Christ, Wolf always looks like someone is assaulting him with a 15" diameter butt plug, and Barbara Starr looks like Michael Musto in drag.
I am seriously thinking about inviting CNN to my home in order to cover my morning bowel movement. They should get about, oh, 3 or 4 hours of breathless “BREAKING!” coverage out of that. Hey, maybe they can get that beacon of journalistic professionalism Don Lemon to join in the commentary.

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TPM ran this story earlier today on the judge’s decision in Alabama, but there has been nothing further reported on any media website in the last 5 or 6 hours…

I went to high school in NJ. We had a PE teacher, close to retirement, who had coached a track team just a stone’s throw from the Hindenburg disaster. He said he and his team stood in awe and could feel the heat they were that close.

Today, the NJ Tnpke goes right by the site of the disaster.

I could not help but be reminded of his anecdote when this latest hit the news. .

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