My reaction to Trump’s comment today went through stages: Shock, Fear, Anger, Disdain, and now Elizabeth Warren’s tweet.
I’m so over it.
My reaction to Trump’s comment today went through stages: Shock, Fear, Anger, Disdain, and now Elizabeth Warren’s tweet.
I’m so over it.
Donald J. Trump is a tax-evading, untrustworthy, lying, child molesting, rapist who is also a major bully who can’t stand getting his ass whupped by Hillary Clinton.
ETA: And I’ve been reading lately that Trump is also a card-carrying, dues-paying member of NAMBLA. Smoke that in your pipe, MSM. (I mean, some people are saying it, anyway.)
That’s what is infuriating. Somehow he has a faint veneer of “reasonableness” and he isn’t more reasonable than that Pierson lunatic. He hides his lunacy a bit better, that’s all.
“If she gets to pick her judges,” Trump said, “nothing you can do, folks. Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is.”
His campaign later said he was referring to the political power of Second Amendment supporters.
Of course! That’s why Trump first said there’s nothing anyone can do.
and, I read on the inner tubes that he’s registered member of NAMBLA!
Trump makes death threats because he has nothing else to offer. He can’t compete at anywhere near the same level as Hillary. She’s not just beating him, she’s beating up a half century of Republican talking points and neither Trump, his political party or media sycophants know how to respond with anything worthy.
Look up clinical term "narcissistic injury". Being dominated/humiliated by a woman no less will drive Trump to profound rage. It will grow.
— Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) August 9, 2016
Well said. (Two women? Imagine the rage.)
When our daughters still lived in DC, a city bus went by as we were walking with his fat mug on the backside.
Good place for him, I thought.
I lied. It was on the right side of the bus, but it works better the other way. Or not.
Never a good idea to pick a fight with Liz.
She’s brilliant, strong, and likely to quote Douglas Adams right back at Trump:
“Listen, three eyes, don’t you try to outweird me! I get stranger things than you free with my breakfast cereal every morning.”
Bloomberg is actually a pretty good outfit, but I’ve never understood why they keep Mark Halperin – he’s literally a right wing political hack/apologist, and he proudly wears that badge on his forehead.
Am I the only one that found “…losing to a girl” to be a poor choice of words? I’m not necessarily “offended,” and I am male, but wouldn’t woman have been the proper term here? To me, it makes her comment more dismissable.
Just me? OK…
LOL! And to think, some men like the two women thing. Something queer about Donald J. Trump, mustn’t there be?
Nah, it just irritates Trump that much more. Warren knew what she was doing.
Yep, just you. Put yourself in Trump’s shoes and read it again. It’s brilliant.
Relax and have a laugh with this short clip of Trump playing beach volleyball back in the 1980s. He is one pitiful excuse. A Daddy Bod long before Daddy Bods were cool:
No, it’s what immature boys fear most: losing to a girl.
At least that’s what #manypeoplearesaying
When he drops out, and he will, what is the procedure for picking another candidate? Does it go to the House or does the person with the next most votes cast in the primaries get the nod? That, of course, would be Ted Cruz.
Elizabeth just emasculated the don of his tiny penis.
Normally, I’d be inclined to agree with you but for Donald and his ilk to actually feel the smackback, ‘girl’ is much better. If he didn’t have such a strong following of sheer adolescent old white men, ‘woman’ would be the more adult response – but the intended audience doesn’t hear ‘woman,’ they hear ‘girl.’ It has a bigger punch in the beer gut.