Discussion: Warren: The Next Step For Dems Is Single-Payer Health Care

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Well Single Payer is even being discussed over at Free Republic, So there is that


Nothing like throwing red meat to the Trump base.

They hate ACA. They’ll really hate single payer, even though most wouldn’t be able to coherently describe either approach.

Maybe we should work on fixing ACA before going single payer?


Trumpos will hate whatever Dems do. They’re obstructionists. We have to move along despite them. Big strides win elections.


Yeah. Say it loud and proud EW…no more hand wringing from progressives! Move the goalposts…


Indeed. It’s time for Democrats to campaign on single payer health insurance.


Got my vote.


Senator, with all due respect, stop McConnell and Congressional Republicans first. We aren’t there yet, and 20+M people’s health insurance is on the line right now.


I agree with you on this. In a normal time, running on single payer makes perfect sense. But we’re not living in normal times. One of the problems is that Warren is talking to her constituents in MA. It won’t work for Donnelly in IN or Baldwin in WI. And before someone on this board comes out with “We need something to get our voters to the polls”, this won’t work in states that are fighting just to hold onto expanded Medicaid.


For profit health care insurance is precisely what causes Americans to pay twice as much for shoddy health care results as the rest of the world. I would not even feel all that bad when Republican’ts stole the credit for implementing it. Senator Warren is right. Her real opponent is the insurance biz and its industrial strength money.
Single payer is a prerequisite step to real growth of the economy.


Private not for profit might be an easier step in that direction and they supposedly do it in Germany so conseratives would like that…just sayin’…

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Yes lets have the debate in 2018 be about healthcare, since that worked so well for Dems in 2010. How about Dems take back control first then we could discuss Single Payer.


ACA was an attempt to accommodate Republican views and priorities. Even from the original bill, it got more conservative: no public option, state based exchanges (which they first wanted then flipped and refused to implement). The Republicans blocked any technical changes to improve ACA, but relentlessly attacked it in court. And now they want to repeal it.

If they succeed in repealing it, they do not get a second bite at the apple. They have proven to be bad faith collaborators over and over again. Now single payer for the sake of single payer, I do not necessarily agree with. What I support is covering everyone (which ACA did not do, in large part because of attempts to accommodate Rs) , at reasonable cost. If this is best done via Medicare, so be it. If it is best done with a new incarnation of ACA, with a public option and better subsidies, particularly for the pre-Medicare cohort, so be it. If it is best done via a USA Health Service, so be it.


Exactly, what might seem like pure and simple logic in a Blue state, screams “Socialism” to Red states.

Let’s get back in power first, rather than crash and burn with making single payer the primary campaign plank.


If McConnel/Trump succeeds in their current bill, chances of Single Payer actually increase significantly. In lot of ways, ObamaCare was a first step towards some sort of single payer/medicare for all etc.

Sadly I think it’s going to take killing a lot of white folks for a big enough majority of voters and politicians to wake up to this reality.


They need to get some large employers involved in this. Employer-provided health insurance was originally a perk, a way to differentiate your company from others and lure the best to your staff.

Today health care is a mandate that is a drag on the bottom line, a fixed cost like electricity. Everybody has it, and everybody is looking for a way to get it cheaper.

Meanwhile international competitors don’t have that cost since it’s born by the government, and so they have a competitive advantage.

If we went to a single-payer system that guaranteed a baseline of care then companies could go back to providing add-on policies as a way to stand apart from other employers, and people would still be able to get basic care.


All well stated points, and I am not opposed to the concept of single payer. My concern is that the playing field has tilted so badly, we need to first get back in power. That can only happen if the Dem’s can attract moderate Republicans back to the center. IMHO, single-payer is not the issue that will bring them on-board.


On one hand I feel that they hate us no matter what, so there’s not much to lose. On the other, a few of them might actually cotton to the idea of being able to go to the doctor when they need to do so, at lower cost.


I don’t know about this single-payer business. Everyone gets good health care? But TrumpCare’s going to offer some fine super expensive catastrophic plans that cover nothing. How do I decide?.

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