Senator Warren is spot on! Just look at their new Trump hoods. They love him! :
I have seen the early and often succeed so many times for Republicans. Rick Scott felon, and blot on western civilization did it 2 times in Florida going after the presumptive nominees in 2010 (Alex Sink) and 2014 (Charlie Crist) long before they had even declared. They had been clearly defined by a barrage of negative advertising. He spent 70 million the first time. That is how a weasel gets elected. Clinton has 30 million to Drumph’s 2 million (according to NPR this am). Time to start heavy and hard with heavy rotation of the Donald hanging himself with his own rhetoric. It’s not like there is any shortage of material! Come on DNC (DWS I’m talkin to you) piss or get off the pot . This is goddamn serious stuff and we need to GOTV to counteract the organized suppression of voting rights by voter ID law. If you don’t think that those ravenous salivating Drumph fans can win get used to the phrase President Trump. Don’t believe polls, that’s how elections are lost .
Great post, my friend.
I agree to some extent that its important to get out in front and frame your opponent at the outset. However, the nice thing about Trump is he’s already well known, and there’s really no need to “frame” him. He’s already established and framed by the voting base from the outset.
However, it’s important to keep the long game in mind. November is an enternity away. We don’t want the public to become numb and immune to the vile and hateful things Trump says and represents in October because we carpetbombed them with it in May. Need to keep some powder dry for when it matters most.
Hillary has quietly been building her swing state machinery for the general against Trump. That’s why she spent $0 in TV ads for Indiana. Let Bernie continue to keep his voters engaged, then bring them into the fold in the summer fully energized. Otherwise they drop out and become uninvolved, as they do during local, state and midterm elections.
More proof that TPM NEEDS AN EDITOR to at least casually look at things before they are posted!
Elisabeth Warren is NOT A REPUBLICAN from Massachusetts!
She is a Democrat. (D-MA, not R-MA)
It does no good to be FIRST when you are flat out WRONG!
TPM is drifting dangerously close to TMZ territory.
I just want Bernie - and his spokeshrew - to stop trashing HRC and the Democratic party.
I used to think exactly the same, and I still mostly think the same now that Hillary’s effectively got this now – i.e., waiting till she officially exceeda the majority of PDs and holding a big endorsement event with Hillary maximizes its impact.
But now I also think the timing also depends on how the Sanders campaign behaves toward the end of the primaries. Her endorsement may come earlier than initially planned if they decide Sanders is more damaging than her earlier endorsement is counter-productive.
Never enough. How many times have you seen Mr. & Mrs Undecided a week before the election …Wellllll I really haven’t decided …There are millions of political illiterates out there who need to be educated what a Trump Presidency will do
That’s all we’ve been asking for since many weeks ago – only to see them marching on in the 180-degree opposite direction.
I don’t even expect at all the man to vigorously campaign for Hillary this fall. If his history is an indication, he won’t do much perhaps beyond a lukewarm endorsement. I’d be okay with that – we have real leaders of the progressive wing of the party whom we can count on for their hard work for Hillary and the down ballots. I just want Sanders to stop throwing the kitchen sink to the presumptive nominee and the party.
She really is a great communicator. Shame she’s not going to be our nominee. Blows both Bernie and Hillary out of the water. Can you imagine her in a debate with Trump. Hope she campaigns hard and long all over the country for our slate.
It’s astonishing that after fifty years of elite intellectual Republican economic and social conservative BS we’re left with this smouldering heap of Nazi bikers, halfwits and Roy Cohn’s old protégé …
TPM writers use the “R” and “D” designations interchangeably and without any apparent connection to actual affiliation when referring to elected officeholders.
On that, I’m cautiously optimistic. A good majority of Sanders voters would have been more Warren voters if she were in it, and they will listen to her – especially if their man still keeps behaving like a cranky zealot and starts being increasingly perceived as helping Trump.
After seeing the GOP so called establishment misjudge this from the outset, I think the business as usual method does not work.
Trump followers, and Sanders followers, are Americans who want to shake things up because the status quo is not working for them. Hillary is and always has been more of a revolutionary than the clueless media comprehends but she has learned for better or worse to use the system rather than change it.
Hillary has also implemented more changes than E. Warren ever thought of doing. However, Warren articulates so well but her maverick ways can be counterproductive. There is a reason why Obama did not select her to run the CFPB. Warren’s genius is her understanding of our financial system and rules and her ability to explain them to the public. Consequently she has connected to the public. Her strength is Hillary’s weakness and visa versa. Good team!
If she endorsed either Clinton of Sanders now, she’d alienate approximately 50% of Democratic voters. Let the election process play out and THEN unite. Trying to force, convince, intimidate one side or the other to abandon their preferred candidate now is more destructive to Democratic unity than constructive. The last thing you want to do is make voters, especially Independents, feel like they are being TOLD who they should vote for.
{sigh} I’m smitten.
It’s not to convince undecideds at the last minute. It’s too keep the people voting against Trump motivated for the long, long, long, long slog of the next 6 months. Let’s rememeber how even a few weeks is an eternity in elections. (Just a few weeks ago, common consensus was Trump was unraveling as the GOP nominee and the GOP were going to give Cruz the nomination in a contested convention.)
Trumps racism, misogyny and crazy ideas are like the overuse cursing. They lose their shock value the more you’re exposed to it. One carefully dropped F-Bomb creates a dramatic emphasis that draws attention to a point, but using an F-Bomb every other word just becomes white noise. We need these things to keep their potency in October. Otherwise by August, people will say “Yeah, he’s said some crazy, misogyinist things … yadda, yadda, yadda … but what about (Insert newscycle distraction of the dayhere)??”
Sometime political pundits don’t talk, they just write. Excerpt from Nate Cohn’s The Upshot, NYT Tuesday titled Yes It’s Early but Donald Would Have Uphill Battle Against Clinton. Sort of amazing that a guy with no experience in politics, academia or the military could come this far on bombast alone. (I posted this last night so it may seem familiar.)
Mr. Trump trails Mrs. Clinton by around 10 percentage points in early general election surveys, both nationally and in key battleground states.
He even trails in some polls of several states where Mitt Romney won in 2012, like North Carolina, Arizona, Missouri and Utah.
Mr. Trump’s biggest problem is that he would be the most unpopular major party nominee in the modern era, with nearly two-thirds saying they have an unfavorable opinion of him. More than half view him “very unfavorably” or say they’re “scared” of his candidacy — figures with no precedent among modern presidential nominees.
Mr. Trump’s ratings are worst with the voters who made up the so-called Obama coalition of young, nonwhite and well-educated voters who propelled President Obama’s re-election four years ago.
If Hillary announced Warren as her VP pick, the national embarrassment of our crazy old granduncle soiling himself at the family get together would end.