Virtually everything Trump says is a lie. Why anyone believes anything Trump says baffles me.
mega-sonned by warren b.
There is ample reason to doubt that he is under audit at all.
His lawyers could produce proof of the audit without revealing any information; the fact this has not happened speaks for itself.
Thank you Mr Buffet …
Also IF Buffett took a larger deduction than Trump (he didn’t obviously), it would only be because Buffett is far far wealthier than Trump and his fortune is greater by a factor of, oh, i don’t know… 20?
He donated more to charity that Trump’s entire net worth. That’s quite something.
This won’t matter a whit to Trump and his supporters. He has labeled Buffet as part of the Hillary axis of evil, therefore everything Buffet says can be ignored.
$2.85 BILLION WITH A B charitable contributions last year. think about that for a second.
buffet is such a boss.
If every billionaire was like Mr. Buffett - a man who has played by the rules and amassed his fortune without ripping off others - I suspect we wouldn’t have the anger we have right now at the elites.
Too bad he’s the exception. And too bad he never ran for President.
They NEED to believe him. His lies help support their distorted view of the world.
Thanks, Fox News.
Warren Buffet is frickin’ awesome. Not only does he slam Trump for not paying any taxes, he illustrates what a decent wealthy person does with his money. Note that Buffet gave over $2.85 BILLION to charity last year, and 99.8% of it was not tax deductible.
The good news is that Trump’s other character flaws have now made his refusal to release his tax returns trivial. If ever the furor over his sexual predations dies down, then we can go back to pounding him over his tax returns. In the meantime, it’s like the Bond girl in Goldfinger.
Mr. Buffet’s a value investor.
I’m guessing Berkshire Hathaway will bid on several properties at next year’s Trump bankruptcy sale.
He didn’t lose mega amounts of money either. His businesses made a profit , which is kind of the point. I never figured out how you become a “job creator” by going bankrupt and laying people off
Buffet buffets buffoon Trump by revealing that he gives to charity in a single year 2/3 the amount Trump is worth.
I’ve actually met him (or rather stood near him at an event where I was working security…) he comes across as a very grounded, very smart man. His speeches on the financial responsibility of the wealthy for the public good really impress me.
He’s a man who never let the fact that he has a ton of money create the illusion that he needed a ton of money.
This is of a piece wth Buffett’s remarks:
Everything must go! Check it out! That’s genuine Chinese steel!
Well, be fair.
Warren Buffet is an ACTUAL Multi-Billionaire and Trump is simply a con man who “plays one in his stump speeches”.
Buffet proves his worth with facts and numbers.
Trump simply points to his gold-plated toilets.