So why play along if he’s not going to make a difference? May as well just tell it like it is and walk away satisfied with himself.
He also knew where he was headed before he got there and had the opportunity to prepare a worthy statement and counter the Moonves bullshit.
Warner puts out a statement or two a week and does a weekend show or a few. He has limited opportunities IOW to put out his message on message.
He diminishes his own efforts by being wishy washy and not tough.
IMO anyways.
You do realize that the value of the Sunday morning gas bag fests is not what it used to be before the Internet and 24-hour news cycles. IMO, some Dems show up to counter the appearances of the Rs. Are there any people wringing their hands except us who believe Warner could have and should have done something to change the way the trumPPs are behaving. I don’t think so.
I like Warner and am thankful for his diligence, but he was not at his best today. And all in all, I am tired of careful language when it comes to Trump’s lies and criminality.
As for Moonves, he should be ashamed of himself. Many moons ago, when we lived in LA, we knew him, and he was a decent fellow, but he has sold out bigtime.
Yes I realize all that. I also wouldn’t say that I’m wringing my hands, it just bothers me that they are more worried about cordiality or collegiality when the fate of the nation is on the line.
That’s my opinion.
You have yours and the RPS has theirs.
I doubt any one of us is dead on the money but that there is a little truth to all of it at least.
Yeah, Warner couldn’t have stopped the Trumpp behavior but he can hold their asses to the fire which is exactly his mission. This shit is very serious and real.
As far as the media, it depends on who you’re believing in and whom you trust. I don’t doubt their, RPS, hypothesis at all but I don’t believe that its 100%-across the board-leaving nothing to be believed or of use.
We all get our information from somewhere and we all have to weigh out what is pure news and what is slanted for sensationalism or partisan effect.
I may never be satisfied because that is the nature of the beast but I have a few reporters that I keep up with that always seem to lay it out just like it is but that’s a rarity with the politicians.
I know it’s serious, I know it’s real, but Warner’s few minutes wedged between commercials on a program competing with at least three others at approximately the same time of day tells me it’s just more infotainment. It is the MSM which is in fact holding the trumpp family’s feet to the fire because they have space and time to write in detail about their criminal enterprise. This is my opinion and it will be steadfast until I see evidence that the chatter on Sunday morning means anything in determining policy and shaping opinions, but I’ll concede it gives trumpp material for his Twitter feeds.
I get so worn out with it all, and crabby, and impatient. It is overwhelmingly ugly and from my armchair, it is easy to be critical of those that are out there fighting for us all. I am thankful for them.
Cover ups abound. Collusion is in your face. Obstruction of justice has been done on video and recorded for all to see and wonder at. Will there ever come a time, Senator Warner, that somebody will offer up articles of impeachment so that we can get on with what clearly needs to happen? Six weeks ago I tallied up a list of impeachable offenses trump could be charged with and got to a list of 20. There’s been more since.
Sometimes I think that being asked to pay so much attention to trumPPworld and the number of articles here about it is what causes the agita. I know at least one person who has gone away just because he was on overload.
But incriminating nonetheless. Here’s the smoking gun, folks. What more do you need?
Should the judge acquit a bank robber because he failed to get any money even though he was pointing a gun at the teller? Is there any doubt what he had in mind Why else was he there?
Duh! Let’s get on with it.
There used to be a standard for government service that prohibited wrongdoing OR THE APPEARANCE OF IT. Whatever happened to that idea?
You aren’t getting a straight answer and you probably never will, short of torture. This is a game of attrition. The Trump gang’s probably hoping the public will get bored and call off the dogs and go away. We are dealing with more than ordinary dishonesty here. Cynical, valueless, soulless sociopaths.
I have friends who have sworn off the news because it makes them too unhappy. I totally get that my day to day life would be more anxiety-free if I were to do the same. But then I ask myself what would happen it we all did that.
I dunno what the answer is. There are many days where I just can’t join into the conversation, either because of mood or work. But almost always, I read and/or scan. And, almost always, I am glad I did. Whether it’s the humor, or the informed commentary, or just the knowledge that here are like-minded souls, I think it helps me deal. All that said, I wish the fuck it was better, that things would move faster, that these complete immoral, thieving, lying, criminal jerks would get some comeuppance so we can have some hope of getting our country back.
I read that there is an article going the rounds to be signed and it’s about his conflicts of interest. Big whoop! Old news. He’s a slippery fish to be sure, but his statements, his refusal to divest himself, his know-nothingism, and his arrogance, mendacity and unpredictability toward foreign powers has tagged him for violating the oath of office repeatedly.
So what are we waiting for?
Next in line are Pence and Ryan. They may be crooks and unsavory, but at least they’re predictable.
Since impatience seems to be my default mode, I have to remind myself that it took the better part of two years to put enough pressure on Nixon that he was forced to resign, and I think something similar will happen. He won’t like throwing in the towel, but it might happen. I enjoy the comments here too, but it’s not my primary source for news, so I come for the yucks and the occasional flashes of brilliance.
I don’t think it’s the primary source for most of the readers. Which is precisely why there are “flashes of brilliance”. A well-informed group, for the most part.