Discussion: Warner Lets Loose On Mueller Probe: 'Buckle Up' For 'Wild' Months Ahead

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Give him another glass of wine!!! I want to know!!! I wonder if the Senate’s findings will be made public when they are finished. August would be perfect timing for the midterms.


The next couple of months? Until something other than the event horizon, I hope …

As long as they end with someone else being buckled up, I think I can handle it.


Maybe a little later than August - here’s the problem:

The American public has the attention span of a gnat. Give me an October surprise any day of the week.

In the meantime, Warner needs to be careful. As much as he’d like to puff himself up with these statements, it’s not a good idea to mess with Mueller. My guess is, the guy doesn’t know anything more than the rest of us do.


That’s what I thought. Loose lips sink ships, Mark.


This is great. Make Trump sweat every single day.
In a way, I’d love for this investigation to go on for a few more years.


What is Mueller waiting for! This country can’t stand one more day of this sociopath and his henchman in office!


He’s the ranking member of the Senate Intelligence Committee. He’s in a position to know more than the rest of us. He wants people to know we haven’t kinda sorta heard the general outlines of everything, although we might suppose we had.


How long before Trump is tweet-complaining that Mueller is leaking to Warner.

But, I see that he’s busy this morning tweeting about the filthy canopies, windows and doors at the Red Hen restaurant that kicked out Sarah Huckabee Sanders.

You know, early morning presidenting stuff.


Mark Warner is the poster boy for boring. I mean, c’mon, let’s face it - the guy makes wallpaper seem like a ride on Space Mountain. So if he says that we’d better “buckle up”, it’s gotta be good! And considering the traitorous crap that Nunes is pulling in the House, the GOP has zero credibility to call out Warner for talking like this.


Ok sure…but look at what Sessions and Rosenstein are doing by releasing all those top secret documents to Nunes and the other Trump poodles in the Republican Controlled House. Nunes and Sessions and Rosenstein are doing everything possible to save Trump no matter how damaging it is to our national security and to the executive branch. The white nationalists share a great deal in common with the Nazis under Hitler…and Trump has purged key government agencies of anyone who is NOT loyal to the “cause”.


I buckled up several months ago … but the way Trump continues to stir the pot at his “rallies”, maybe we should all lock and load as well.


I’ll take boring. These days, boring is good.


Maybe its just me this morning without enough caffeine in my system yet, but that headline doesn’t read like it should. Letting loose on Mueller probe means something different to me. Its means being critical of him, not blabbing about how significant it is after being under the influence. Eh. Just saying.

I hope we’re gonna find out that half of the House of Representatives in the GOP are under sealed indictment. Please, pretty please. Somehow I doubt that, though.




This story gives me a little pause. Not sure it was a good idea.
Martha’s Vineyard, wine, elites, trolling…geez, I have no problem with these things but also ammo for the other side to make hay with.


That’s right Mark, give them their first genuine reason to think this is just Democrat revenge for the election.

Now i know why Chuck and Nancy are keeping their mouths shut.

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Warner was a little too careless with his words. He made it sound as if he had information that was available for a price. I don’t like that perception at all! If he had said only that Mueller has more damning information to come, that’s great. Keep the Republicans nervous, and let the public know that Republican rhetoric is false and self-serving. Do not say the information is for sale!!! :rage:


Well, he’s on the Intelligence Committee. And lordy knows intelligence is against Trump.


Always makes me smile,