Discussion: Ward Saturday On McCain Ending Treatment: 'They Wanted To Have A Particular Narrative'

Has this monster reproduced yet?

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It’s hard to believe the Republican Party can be ever more despicable. Hard to believe but apparently not impossible.


Hmmm, she seems nice.


McCain’s family responds:

“Sorry… Who is Kelli Ward???”


Since McCain was a Navy pilot she would be blaming him for the mysterious chemtrails.


More by accident. :smile: I was really mostly thinking about the weirdly termed “theory of mind,” the ability to understand that other creatures have consciousnesses like your own. You can pretty much suck at that without necessarily being a narcissist as we understand it. I know plenty of rather pleasant people who don’t demand recognition and so forth, it’s not a constant drumbeat of them them them, but they never quite make you feel seen and never quite seem to understand that you have a life of your own that you’re living.


It would be fun if Ward squeaks out a win over McSilly. First it would be a huge embarrassment for McSilly after her trump-sucking performance in Congress, showing that she just didn’t have the necessary crazy to satisfy the “base.” More importantly, it would guarantee the seat goes to Synema.


I always used to respect the intelligence and perseverance of people who successfully competed rigorous medical training to become physicians. Then along came Ben Carson…and now Kelli Ward.

         ' They Wanted To Have A Particular Narrative '

So glad you stepped in to fix that ! … he he —


They really need a double secret social media outlet for like-minded creatures. They always seem so surprised when someone hears or reads what they said, and then they act as if the reaction is unreasonable. That, along with DOTUS arguing that conservatives are being abused by having to adhere to social media rules, really argues that they should create one for themselves.
And then they could create a country for themselves as well.
Can’t do that. All they can do is pretend that they “built that” and then tear things down.


Dang! McCain’s Troll Master rating is over 9000 with this one. First, he ends his medical treatment just to overshadow Ward’s bus tour that would surely have been her ticket to victory, then he waits until she takes the bait by posting about his trick online before playing the Death Card to make her look like a jerk.

McCain knew life was all about Kelli Ward and played things perfectly. Can’t wait to see what he’s got planned for her next!


…was purposefully timed to create “a particular narrative that they hope is negative to me"

OMG! Have you seen someone die of cancer in the brain? I absolutely guarantee you that no one was thinking of you or “a narrative.” The person in question is well into no consciousness at all, more or less fetal, and hopefully well dosed with morphine or similar. The days leading up to this are not much better. Hope it never happens to you or someone you love, a-hole.

If there is any fairness in life, this wretched comment will haunt you forever and it won’t matter how many times you apologize.


“…beat your ass like a gong.” I’m going to steal that phrase, if you don’t mind.


It’s difficult to conceive of the kind of thinking that would have had to go into this, to say in public before the entire world that someone else’s terminal illness is somehow about you. What an incredibly awful person, what a dreadfully bent soul.


Have at it!

Oh, no, no, no–we WANT her to get the nom, and face Systema in the general!


Nasty, vindictive, spiteful, shameless, even downright evil.

She’s perfect for the Trump maladministration. When can we expect her cabinet nomination?


Who thinks like that?


Well, if the Grim Reaper is now part of the Deep State out to get the Trumpers with timing and narratives and such … I’ve got a suggestion on who he should visit next.


This is very strange. I certainly did not think that McCain’s death was in any way a negative reflection on Ward, but for some reason, I do now. (Could it be her utterly ridiculous response? Yes, I think that may be it.)