Odious is as odious does.
Dear Kelli Ward:
Thanks. As a result of your assholery, Kyrsten Sinema is going to beat your ass like a gong.
There are people who never quite grasp the idea that there’s a consciousness like their own riding around inside other people’s skulls. They’re aware of themselves, and that’s it. The rest of us are stage props and tools to use. We don’t have our own identities, as they see it. We’re objects. The fact that we’re not thinking about them when our lives are ending, but rather about ourselves, our loved ones, our memories, that’s all confounding to them and they don’t quite believe it.
People like this should not be elected to public office. Further restrictions may be called for but we’ll start with that one.
This gal is as silly as anyone can get! Hope she’s smashed in the upcoming primary races!
Venality and narcissism appear to be key identifying features of the Trumpist species as does stroking in the Trumpist follower subtype: Ward and her staff; QED
What a truly nasty person! These are her thoughts because this is somethinsong she would do. What a disgusting person.
Let’s start with a required term of off-world slave labor.
Christallmighty. Among many, Kelli Ward is a particularly odious piece of shit.
Probably one of the more insightful and profound statements I’ve encountered on the forum. Thank you.
With any luck, she’ll win the nomination. She seems like exactly the sort of candidate Arizona Republicans deserve this year.
Were you trying to define narcissism or did it just happen by accident?
The ironic thing is that though people like this should not be in leadership positions or elected office, that characteristic seems to actually help people get elected on both sides of the aisle - it appears as a strength to a lot of voters during the campaigning process.
Ward is at the dumber end of this spectrum as is Trump. The smart ones have learned how to fake empathy.
The dead-eyed, granny-starving, oligarch-loving viper pit which is the Republican Party in a goddamned nutshell.
It’s very likely that she will be beaten by Martha McSally, who herself has been acting all Trumpy-like, especially on immigration, to get some of the Arizona trumpanzee vote. There’s some doubt about her ability to pivot back to the center against Krysten Sinema, given how far to the right she’s gone. McSally likes to chat up her military record and has pictures of herself in uniform on her campaign literature. Not sure that works as well as it used to, especially with Monsieur Le Bonespurs in the white house. Arizona is kinda like the nation with blue urban centers and bright red rural areas. Sinema has good chance of winning. She’s a good campaigner and she messages on bread and butter issues. She’s a conservadem, and will probably fit in well with the Joe Donnelly-Heidi Heidtkamp clique. But that’s a lot better than McSally who is an opportunist, avoids her constituents in our district and who, quite frankly, doesn’t seem all that bright.
We’ll see.
News flash: Chemtrail Kelli Ward uncovers the McCain death conspiracy to steal her own much-more-deserved campaign coverage.
In other news, dog bites man. Just a coincidence, or are “they” training dogs to steal my headlines?
Hard to say it better, however she better watch it, the dumpster does not like it when someone takes his rant points.
Pretty sure this one’s no threat to escape and take over the Enterprise, anyway.
Always be sincere, whether you mean it or not.
Shorter Republican; “It’s always about ME ME ME”