NO, the intern accidentally hit send right before they had a chance to answer the question “Do you intend to commit treason?”
When they have time they’ll amend the form.
Until Trump was elected the United States was the world’s superpower. We had influence over every little thing that happened worldwide. Now the United States is in full blown retreat. I don’t see how this ends well for the US and every other democracy. So much for Pax Americana.
Maybe Trump can pull off a win-win by selling the remaining stockpile of cold war era nerve gas we’ve been having so much trouble destroying because of local opposition to every proposed disposal method to Assad.
Of the twenty-five people who signed PNAC’s founding statement of principles, ten went on to serve in the administration of U.S. President George W. Bush, including Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and Paul Wolfowitz.
They advocated invading Iraq and “taking the Oil” (as the Orange ShitGibbon keeps saying) and set up the whole idea of an “American Viceroy” to “rule” over Iraq after the invasion. Remember Dick Cheney kept saying “they will greet us with flowers and cheers” which is what the PNAC kept saying. They also demanded the dissolution of the Iraqi Army (to please Israel) which led DIRECTLY to the formation of ISIL out of the old Iraqi Army Officer Corp. (which was almost exclusively Sunni) and also led to massive recruitment of the Iraqi Army non-officers (which were almost exclusively Shiite) by the Shiite militias who helped destabilize the country after the 2003 invasion by looting the now unguarded Iraqi Army weapons and munition stores. (PNAC felt there was “no need” to guard those.)
Mistake after mistake and assumption after assumption all fueled by the PNAC arrogance and ignorance ALL of which played right into the centuries-old blood-feud between the Sunni and Shia in Iraq.
An unnamed current official told the Washington Post that scrapping the program “is a momentous decision” on Trump’s part and a victory for Russia: “Putin won in Syria.”
Trumpp’s a great deal maker. The US got some valuable concessions – Russian mobsters will always pay rack rate at Trump-owned hotels for the next 24 months.
Fox will tell them that the move undoes the disastrous Clinton policy that led to all those dead kids they saw on TV. GOP voters will eat that bullshit sandwich and tune in tomorrow for more.
I do fear that we will hear a lot of “not as bad as Trump” type justifications for a lot of behavior that would have run people out of politics a few short years ago.
And i don’t trust the corporate media to hplf them sufficiently accountable.