Discussion: WaPo: Manafort's Home Was Raided Last Month As Part Of Russia Probe

I think if you’re a member of the craven, cloven, Cliven Bundy clan, you might get to make your own rules.

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The "strategic patience " & interpretation of the rules by & of those in charge of character and fitness that didn’t pull his license, apparently not even temporarily, after he declared bankruptcy & was sued for fraud.

I do. I shredded the only copy of POTUS O’s long form birth certificate.


Are you kidding? Yes, for unwanted credit card offers, as someone else mentioned, for anything that might have financial information on it, and for when enough time goes by that it’s okay to get rid of tax-related stuff.

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Sciutto says CNN has confirmed that what was executed was a no-knock warrant.


Me too! If we can choose “do not call” (which doesn’t work 100 percent of the time), why can’t we choose “do not mail me shit I do not want”?

That is why you have to shred them.

Methinks he’s just surrogating on behalf of the WH…

Apparently this Russia arse-kisser’s office was also searched.

California politics updates: Hunter office searched by FBI, conservatives target state on suspicion of voter fraud

Garland raises a very good question… (thread).

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You can pause the live updates. Makes it much easier to read the idiots’ posts.

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That is called stupidity.

Hard to shred them before mail thieves get to them. They trail the mail truck and pluck them out immediately after they are delivered to the box.

Ever since I heard this, I’ve been trying to frame a knock-knock joke but can’t. Oh well, Colbert will have to do it.


It isn’t 100% effective but better than nothing. Scroll down to the opt out for mail section:

Here in Wisconsin, when the FBI and other state agencies raided some of Scott Walker’s people’s homes and took computers, a helpful neighbor stopped over during a raid to give the FBI a computer that that particular target had sold him at a garage sale a few weeks earlier. Rich people seem to have a hard time destroying things of value to themselves, thus to foil that investigation,they only bothered to destroyed the hard drives of state owned computers.

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Too many reporters reporting on Tweets. This is the kind of stuff that gets missed. It is necessary for someone in the press to read the Tweets, but the multiple analysis of each series, including the total number of lies presented in 142 characters, isn’t necessary.


It’s 2017. You don’t execute a pre-dawn, no-knock warrant and then leave the computer behind.

It seems apparent that the feds did this because they did not believe the bullshit spiel that Manafort was giving them, and were concerned that he was simply buying time with his BS to destroy evidence.

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I think in the old days of the USSR, they would die of a cerebral hemorrhage, resulting from a traumatic interaction with an object composed largely of lead

Really? Here in NYC, we’ve had problems with thieves fishing for checks in public mailboxes, but most private mailboxes are locked.

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