Discussion: WaPo Editorial Board: Republicans Should 'Renounce Trump's Candidacy'

Too late…that cement has already hardened into concrete.



There’s no might about it, he will go third party and his groupies will go right with him with gun in hand.


The problem is at this point even with that sort of a scenario. Just who in that that party apparatus can lead them back to the center? When William F Buckley Jr. called for a purge of the John Birch Society lunatics there was a substantial cadre of northern Republican liberals who could actually run things from day today.


Now that it’s set and totally dried, let’s airlift that sucker to the middle of the ocean … or would that cause toxic pollution?

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Most Trump republican supporters know that he will not be able to do half of what he is saying he will do, they just like that he is saying he is going to do something. They like that he is talking the talk and think he will walk the walk. I would never vote for Trump in a million years, but he is not scared to say what he thinks, and that is something that most presidential candidates never do and I as a liberal democrat can understand that his supporters would admire that about him even though what he says is not true most of the time.


these guys just really don’t get it… renouncing trump will only confirm everything his supporters already think and they will only double down. and the media will likely increase their coverage of him because he’s ‘controversial’ and brings the ratings. msnbc in particular is reliant on him – even moreso than fox.

i had to laugh last week when i read an ej dionne column with the revelation that trump is the outcome of years of gop demonization of the other… well, no fucking duh. that’s been obvious since he announced.

Renounce??? a quarter shade less fascist than Trump, that doesn’t give you the moral authority to renounce anybody.

Dog whistling isn’t Donald’s long-suit, but he’s a true republican.


To quote someone else’s on-the-point comment in WaPO, can find the link anymore :frowning:

“The Republicans have seeded, cultivated, watered, tended, nurtured, prayed over and nourished their devoted whackjob followers, and now - all of a sudden - the inmates are taking over the asylum. They’re shocked, just shocked to actually see this happening. Who woulda thunk?”


May be Trump should be hit where it would hurt the most, by blocking his Twitter account due to racial slur.

Evil laughter


Responsible Republicans were all shitcanned during the GOP’s purification spasm a few years ago. The result of that was a curious need for the survivors to out crazy each other lest they suffer the dreaded primary attack by their brethren. And here we are laughing our asses off.


The extreme right Rs will not be led back to the center certainly not by anybody deemed to be “establishment.” The calls for civility fall on deaf ears. On top of that the American people are becoming dumber and dumber thanks to Fox and other RWN media but they know what they don’t like. Enter Donald to remind them if they don’t already know.

P.S. If you haven’t seen Best of Enemies about the 60s era debates between Buckley and Gore Vidal, you should. Buckley had a certain amount of charm, Gore very little, but they certainly knew how to sling poisonous verbal darts at each other. It’s on Amazon streaming.

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Thanks I’ll give it a look.

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If this new, improved Reform Republicans can give up on the idea of creating reality to suit their needs at the moment, it would be a good start and for sure a clean slate.

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They seem to also like and embrace the differences between Trump and the president. One’s loud, ignorant, pale with a bizarre thing on his head, the other is cerebral, brilliant, killer sense of humor, and knows how to zing Trump.


You made it, you break it…


So let’s say Trump continues to hold onto 25-35%, and arrives at the Republican convention short of an actual majority, but with a clear plurality in a field of, say, 3 or 4 surviving candidates. Anybody here know how the mechanics of that work in a Republican convention? Delegates vote for the candidate they’re pledged to in a first round, then are freed to vote however they want to in subsequent rounds?

Let’s say Trump rolls into the convention with 35% of the delegates, 10 points ahead of his nearest rival, and yet the delegates of his rivals end up joining forces to nominate whoever is in second place. In that scenario, I find it kind of hard to imagine Trump doesn’t cry havoc and let slip the dogs of an independent Trump candidacy.

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I think the “responsible Republicans”–if such a thing exists anymore–are vastly outnumbered. They willingly did this to themselves – and totally deserve it.

My big concern is they don’t to it to the rest of us in the process.


This message is dedicated to my dear brothers and sisters of the Muslim faith:


With love & peace


Trump should be treated exactly as he suggests Muslims should be treated. With suspicion that he is contemplating some nefarious plot (which is fairly obvious) and if he vacations somewhere abroad he should be kept out of the country until we understand what he is up to. He should be allowed no privacy whatever. Not that I personally give a damn about his personal life but he needs to see and feel the hatred he personally has engendered.

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I would prefer he end up under a bridge with his possessions in a shopping cart.

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