oh, man… then they have a treat coming when Kamala Harris starts running their asses ragged. it’s going to be a treat.
Yeah, I’ve been waiting for someone – anyone – to attribute one of these victories to Holder . Yessssssss!
Obama is there in background, don’t ya know.
Both men are doing high fives.
Well, Walker didn’t use the N word. So there’s that.
It is never in the best interests of taxpayers to suppress THE VOTE!~!!!
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
I actually did hear pretty much that statement from my very conservative son one time when we were arguing about the electoral college. I love him to death, but I honest to Pete have no idea where he got a lot of his beliefs.
No doubt that it is really frustrating when you have to deal with people who are smarter than you, better prepared than you, and with superior arguments. I get that.
If Walker had followed the law in the first place, the cost of the special elections would have been minimal, and the residents of those districts would have had an entire year of representation that he wanted to deny them. Even his own hand-picked judges were unwilling to rule in favor of the dictionary definition of chutzpah.
OT, but apparently, Trump is now the next Churchill…
These people are fucking ridiculous.
You’re right- couldn’t happen to a nicer guy.
Justice delayed is justice denied.
McConnell held President Obama’s Supreme Court pick open until Orange Julius was in office.
I just wish we could deny oxygen to Walker and McConnell until the November Election, too. Save us a TON of bucks!
If the GOP looks to lose they will do ANYTHING to twist things their way- even break the law (as if the GOP cared for the rule of law).
Run for office, register people to vote then get to the polls this November!!!
Nasty little FK. Holder held you ACCOUNTABLE to the rules and regulations of your STATE Constitution as well as the Federal one. You think you can buy and sell your legislature to the Koch Bros. and the ‘STATE OF WISCONSIN’ will accept THAT more than being held to the law. What a complete waste of an American you have turned out to be.
Minor correction:
In January, a Democrat won a Wisconsin assembly seat in a heavily Republican district
It was a senate seat, SD-10. I know because this is my district and I and others have been working to flip this seat ever since Walker dropped the bomb with Act 10 in 2011.
I did one h*** of a f***ing happy dance as those election results came in in January.
Recall the survey that found Fox viewers are worse informed than people who watch no news at all?
PP won Wisconsin by 0.7 points (22,748 votes). I attribute it to two factors. Voter suppression and Comey talking about HRC’s emails 11 days before the election.
…reading this feels like one of those mad-lib games where you fill in the blank fact of a pre-written story: One could sub out the key facts and replace them and make it sound like a fire-breather Pro-Slavery 1857 screed. Plus ça change…
But shortly after, lawmakers announced it was dropping the plan to hold an extraordinary session to change the law.
The legislature’s GOP leadership did not immediately respond to TPM’s request for comment on that what prompted that decision.
I’ll tell you what caused them to drop the plan…very likely it was polling, or at a minimum, a wall of negative feedback from their troops in the field. And oh the sweet irony that Walker got pulled up short by a judge HE appointed.
And deep thanks to go to Holder and Obama who jointly formed this organization to attack gerrymandering and vote rigging in all forms. Under normal circumstances, Walker might have gotten away with it.
And finally note once again that having achieved a super majority of the legislature and courts and governorship here in WI and in NC (except for the courts), the GOP has reverted to form and instead of using its power for good has rapidly moved to further consolidate its control on money and power. It KNOWS its agenda is a losing one. It MUST resort to this kind of rigging to maintain power. We most work hard to oppose it. The early signs of success in attacking this…here, PA, TX and NC for starters, and the early success in flipping seats in Congress and state legislatures in the face of heavy odds are very encouraging. BUT WE HAVE TO WIN IN NOVEMBER to keep the effort moving.
““Obama Attorney General Eric Holder and his Washington, D.C.-based special interest group are behind the legal push to force Wisconsin taxpayers to pay for special elections for seats that will be filled in a few months in the normal elections,” Walker wrote.”
Scotty boy now has at least 4 spaces on his wing nut bingo card. Keep playing, jackass.
What is the proper cheese to serve with that?
So, seems like there’s a pretty straightforward to your problem, there, Scotty – residents of those districts are tax-free from now until November, right?
The experts and nerds, derided as always by the illiterate, the shallow, and the ill-informed, are the people who make the world work.