Discussion: Walker Backtracks on Comment That Ban on Gay Scout Leaders “Protected Children”

My dog has worms in his stools that are smarter than Walker.


He’s muy simpatico, no?

No one asked Walker what he thought about the Boy Scouts and gay troop leaders. He volunteered his thoughts on the matter. So HE is the ONE that made them a “political football”.


This guy’s MO is say one thing, do another or if that doesn’t work, say one thing, then just say something different. Unfortunately he seems all too aware that journalism has extremely short memory and will give anyone (particularly conservatives) a pass if they just say “oops” afterwards.

If his intentions were sincere – and of course they’re not, but if they were – than his first attempt is big enough an unforced error to question his basic competence. But it’s a false choice anyway; he’s incompetent and mendacious at the same time.


That is your walk-back?? Good, dog, man!


What a fraud. He doesn’t even have the courage of his bigoted convictions.


when he described the Boy Scouts ban on gay leaders as having “protected children” he meant that it had protected them from political debate.

How the fuck does that make any sense what-so-ever?



What a bunch of bullshit. First, taken in context “protected children and advanced Scout values.” implies they were being protected from gay men (and women I suppose). Especially considering the Boy Scouts’ references to the Christian God and the basic fact that they were banning gay men in the first place.

And his explanation? How would the ban on gay troop leaders protect them from the debate? How were they any more or less insulated from the issue while gay leaders are being banned than they are now?

This was an incredibly offensive gaffe that hopefully will not be forgotten.


One of the most repulsive, and all too often effective, tactics of authoritarians, scoundrels and other Republicans

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Exactly a politician who cannot clearly communicate his or her ideas should be immediately disqualified. So he’s either out because he’s a liar who blew the dog whistle a little too loud or as incompetent.


Also, because it’s an insanely stupid reason. The ban on gay men somehow shields children (many of whom are teens/young adults) from the debate over whether to ban gay men?


“Politicians have traditionally hidden behind three things: the flag, the bible, and children.”
George Carlin


And I’m sure a Democrat will start pounding him for this any time now.

Any time now.



Clearly, Walker just wants to protect kids from political debate by turning the Boy Scouts into a political debate.

Yes, he protects them from the debate by injecting them right into the middle of it.

Brilliant tactic! The world stands agape, to be sure.


Walker is not ready for prime-time. He said that sh*t on yesterday, and as soon as he got push-back and some in the media noticed how ridiculous and bigoted he sounded, he decided to lie about what he said. He definitely meant that he opposed the scouts allowing LGBT persons to serve as leaders because he thinks they are natural pedophiles. He is insulting our intelligence, and I, like yourself, am deeply offended that he would try a BS move like this. We’re not as stupid as he wants to believe we are.


Man, Tonette, ease up on the little wimp…

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I’ll settle for either Jeb! or Koch-worshipping Scotty in the general. That’d be fine. I think I’d enjoy watching Scotty getting his ass kicked more, though.

It won’t go over well with the base either, they liked the first answer. This guy makes Mitt look smooth.