Discussion: Vulnerable Kansas Senator: We Are Heading Toward 'National Socialism'

Pssst, it’s an in-joke.

Try to keep up with our sophisticated supra-New Yorker brand of humor here.

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It must be difficult for you to maneuver the caps lock like you do…kind of a turrets kind of thing I suppose

Not to put anyone in Kansas down, but do they know what “national socialism” is? I mean as opposed to a socialist government or state socialism vs national vs regional.

Since Congress and yes even the GOPTP part are paid by the government, does that make them socialists? Since they will get their benefits and retirement from the government are they then supporting national socialism or their own dependence on socialist policies to enhance their paid positions as corporate puppets?

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you mean we’re becoming more like sweden? and that’s a bad thing? sign me up


Not sure you correct something that was tongue-in-cheek snark to begin with, but ok. You pretty much said the same thing I did anyway.

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You can’t blame folks if their vision of America is a slow motion video of a combine harvester moving through a golden wheat field half-faded with a close-up fluttering US flag set to the tune of America the Beautiful.

While nibbling on hors d’oeuvres made of Wonder Bread and Velveeta


Yeah. No.
The consistent ‘likes’ shoulda’ been an indicator.

On the bright side?
You’re not the first to get reeled-in either.



Just how long have you been in these here parts, newbie?

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I’m betting they dont know its called MEDICARE!


They grow wheat and still eat white bread (pssst…you make more money with whole wheat bread guys)


Well, when our HS graduates a few years ago were asked who were our enemies in WWII, the majority said, “The Russians” and they also thought the Germans were our allies. The right has purposely tried to scramble the brains of Americans to make them believe that Hitler was a left winger… so don’t assume Roberts ‘just meant socialism.’ I do hope Kansans are not as dumb as US high school graduates.

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check your roots…are they blonde?

The last gasp of a dysfunctional Republican senator who doesn’t even live in the state he claims to represent. Bring up the fear thing that always works…not.

In order for sarcasm to work, people have to be able to discern your sarcasm from your regular opinions. When a person keeps posting the same opinions in the same way (especially when that way includes all capital letters), it is not sarcasm - it is that person’s world view

Next: Kansas voters tell Sen. Roberts to click his heels three times and go f himself.

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Or any other aspect of socialism. Many in Kansas are focused on their own lives and survival and the behavior and lies of politicians might be grist for the mill, but really understanding what it implies or portends, nah I don’t think they do.

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National socialism? It’s possible that Sen. Roberts doesn’t understand what he said. Surprise!

But Roberts and his radical ilk are closer to national socialism than just about any Democrat, certainly closer to Naziism than President Obama.

Nasty idiocy, that seems to be the dominant Republican meme nowadays.

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Only in my dreams.

I know, Roberts, how worried you must be about the standard of living in Norway and Sweden, given your complete and utter ignorance of the matter.

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Very different because, for one thing, that’s describing reality.