Discussion: VT Guv Dismisses McConnell Letter Telling States To Ignore EPA Rule

Discussion for article #234706

So the Republican Party is now the party of lawlessness? Elected leaders are encouraging people to break the law because they don’t like the law. I am not sure this leads to a more civilized society.


The lawless and disorder party.


What authority does Mitch McConnell have to tell state governors what to do?


Imaginary Authority.


Mitch your own state is telling you where you can go with this nonsense.

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Well, that’s the right question.

This response from one D governor of a blue state who frames his demurral in terms of \disagreement’, presumably on either a mix of politics and science or on some faithiness in science or scientists, that’s really the wrong way to go here. From the perspective of full sunlight politics, it’s somewhere between good and necessary that he make clear AS A MATTER OF ADJUNCTIVE CONTEXT what his beliefs and politics are, but the real sticking point is whether the leader of a caucus in one chamber of Congress has the authority, has ANY authority, to tell a state or a governor or ANYONE what to do about ANYTHING!

The classic conservative/federalist test is Show me where the power lies in the Constitution. Well, there’s nothing in the Constitution about political parties or Congressional reps voting in blocs or them choosing to self-organize by whatever means or empowering the individual they determine on their own to put in charge of their own caucus. Nothing. That finding, by conservative & federalist republican [small r] philosophy ends the question, and this governor, and every governor, should say so.


I bet with a little research effort, mcturtle has reached out over the line of his legal authority.
drag him out back and burn him at the stake.
Pile the coal deep around him and add more if necessary. When I clean this mess up, I want to use my leaf blower and thats it.
poof, dust in the wind, just a little more pollution 1 more time. 1 small step for man, 1 giant leap for mankind.
No more mcconnel, holiday in the making,
ops, i am awake, thought i was dreamin. lol


Dude looks kinda like Dustin Hoffman.

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Steve Carell is that you?

seems to me that ol’ Yertle was exceeding his authority!

McConnell’s politics and abuse of his authority are uglier than he is!

Itch McConnell would serve his country better by expiring. Instead, he takes a climate change denier’s dump on America. All Governors should tell Itch to shove it.

McConnell has resorted to winging it. No legislation, just another letter like the 47 traitors.
Please join our wingnut parade, please-please, because Obama, because yucky science and yuckier facts.

This is truly pathetic and the fact that the teabaggers have allowed themselves to sink so low is really sad. Oh well, dismiss them and get busy with your job. The shameless teabaggers can stand outside shouting at the rain all they want, the world is not waiting for them.