Discussion: Visa Holders Rush To US After Judge Blocks Trump Travel Ban

If Trump can make lawyers look good. Anything is possible.


It is the lawyers who are saving us from the actions of that orange shitgibbon.


Trump gets a cream pie thrown in his face.


Just part of Tweeto Donnie’s grand plan to expand the economy. Think of all the overtime TSA is gonna be racking up, and jacked up “need-em-now” airline tickets… I do hope the airlines have some pricing compassion for these folks, though, and don’t pull an Uber…


“Many very bad and dangerous people are pouring into our country.” Says the so-called president, vacating at his Florida resort. Meanwhile, watching Judge Robart on TV stating that to find the law has a rational basis, he as to find it is based on “facts, not fiction.” Who has the better of this argument?


How much you want to bet that just exactly like the So-Called Replacement Plan for the ACA, the So-Called President and his So-Called “chief strategist” did not have an actual written Plan for what evaluations and vetting they were going to change or make different from what is in place now, developed by two prior administrations. Or any actual empirical findings to require a Friday Night monkey wrench into the travel plans of thousands of people who had obtained valid legal visas. How much you want to bet their plan was a big splash to show off for FOX and Breitbart et al and no real actual plans. That’s why they needed several months, to actually think and plan what the fuck needs to be done. This is what he is accustomed to from being surrounded by Yes Men his entire life.


This is just Terrific! Bravo!


To find the law has a rational basis, it would first have to be the product of a rational human being, before we even get to the “factual basis” of the made up emergency created by the 800 year old Clash of Civilizations that fools like Sebastian Gorka, Frank Gaffney and Donald Trump have been peddling.


Making thousands of innocent people needlessly suffer while disrupting exactly zero potential terrorists while if anything inciting them, makes this a quintessentially dumb idea.

Can’t wait for week three…


A little song, a little dance, a little seltzer down his too big pants.

                -----  WELCOME  -----



Actually, he is just making himself look really bad. How does he not have D O Justice all ready to file its appeal immediately upon this entirely foreseen ruling by Judge Robart to grant the injunction? Now if they plan to argue “imminent” danger days later, the appellate court is going to question the immediacy of the need. This is what happens when you hire an unskilled scam artist to perform a job requiring experience and a highly specialized skill that requires the capacity to read and use sound judgment.


"Even so, green card holder Ammar Alnajjar, a 24-year-old Yemeni student at Southwest Tennessee Community College…",

A Muslim student at a school in Tennessee? Now, there is a brave soul. Kudos, kid! Hats off to you! And welcome home.


Trump’s SCOTUS nominee now has to deport non-white US citizens to make up for this fiasco.

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Most(all) of these foreign students don’t understand or know that they shouldn’t be in these places. They have a very different impression of US. I know because I went to a southern school for 1 term for my grad studies.


My heart goes out to him.

Are you Muslim? If so, your perspective on all this is especially valuable.

I am not a Muslim (a non-religious hindu, non-white). For the republicans, there is not much difference. Also, I wouldnt have felt any different if I was of any religion. My roommates and fellow students were from Pakistan, Iran, Iraq etc. That was a while ago. The image of US outside is quite different. Trump is changing it, dramatically.

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And surrounds himself with same —

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