Discussion: Virginia's Ugly Obamacare Fight Takes Another Shocking Turn

Isn’t bribery illegal?


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So now we need 2 republicant senators arrested to swing the majority back to dems??


Virginia voters…can you feel the love. Soon Republicans will turn your state into a third world hell hole.

Remember what happened when Obama offered to appoint Greigg to the Cabinet? The GOP yelled so much that Griegg declined!

Considering how many voters they are planning to disenfranchise by opposing Medicaid expansion, and how it might influence the November elections, and even more, affect the 2016 election, it might be prudent to say “Republicans, proceed.”

Whatever reward they think will come by denying Medicaid can not be at the hands of the electorate, it must have something to do with their political donors. I would still like to see the link between the tobacco lobby and the healthcare lobby, somwehere in Virginia, the two are married-up.

Is there a major Virginia insurer with fiscal roots in the tobacco industry? Did they buy up insurance corporation stock, like they did with the food industry (Nabisco), to diversify? The thought that tobacco interests now own healthcare interests seems at best a conflict of interests and at worst, a heinous alliance that feeds itself with death.


lets trade em’ for some POW’s

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It wasn’t even seven years. It was six years and eight months.

I was always under the impression that judgeships went to attorneys with a proven track record over decades. Not in Virginia, apparently.


The governor should veto the bill if Medicaid expansion isn’t in the budget. Nobody would blame him for it.

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I have been known to criticize Millennials for political lack of interest. Of course, I have praised those who are active, like those of OCCUPY, groups in Georgia and those who are, for example, working in Moral Monday in North Carolina. Here below is a link to young activists in Florida, headed by Philip Agnew, of the Dream Defenders Movement.

Similar movements, if not in every state, should be. If younger people voted with the same high percentages as Granny and Gramps, charlatans like Philip Puckett would not be serving in any poliical office in the first place.


If I was T Mac, it would be total war. Nothing, and I mean nothing, would get done until they accepted Medicaid.

Not a fucking thing.

McAuliffe strike while the iron is hot. Male a speech where you use Republican bribery to stop Medicaid expansion as the rational for your extraordinary use of Executive power to expand Medicaid. It’s the right thing to do (expansion) and public disgust at bribery will help give you cover from the media, who would of course normally repeat GOP talking points!

Sonia Sotomayor had been out of law school only 12 years before being appointed a federal District Court judge, a much higher position. Somehow I doubt she’s future Supreme Court material, but it wouldn’t surprise me if 6-7 years isn’t uncommon for a lower-level magistrate court like this, especially with connections.