He has an amazing, truly spectacular bridge they might like to buy. It will make them rich. Beyond their greatest dreams. It will be marvelous. Spectacular. People will admire them for buying it.
Well if he hornswaggles enough folks then we’re screwed as a world. The man is utterly and indescribably unfit for the office. Millions will miss that point. I am feeling still that it’s not even a majority of his own party let alone all the voters.
“This country, which is very, very divided in so many different ways, is going to > become one beautiful, loving country, and we’re going to love each other. We’re going to cherish each other. We’re going to take care of each other,” Trump said.
You know, if you were to ask me what my very first thought was when I read that, it would be this strange almost “genetic memory” that so many women have when they’re in a very sick relationship with an almost psychopath for a boyfriend. One minute he’s the charming, tolerable guy you can talk with and the next minute - that’s when the darkness comes over his face and you just know you’re gonna get hit. Maybe hard, or maybe not. But definitely hit. And he always says that it’s your fault and what you really need to do is to love him. More.
Then, the next day, it’s as if nothing happened.
Bad thoughts.
Man, I’ve been hoping and praying for this moment. Clinton is going to wipe the floor with this clown, and thanks mostly to a massive disparity in the minority vote.
The GOP ignored their own 2012 postmortem at their own peril. I hope we see a massive uprising of the marginalized voting blocs, a flood of people determined to overcome voter ID laws meant to disenfranchise them, speaking out with one voice that they cannot be disrespected and ignored.
I want to watch women and minority voter snap off Donald Trumps ego and beat his campaign to death with it. I want to see Clinton win the popular vote by double digits, and flip 4-10 Senate seats in the process.
Trump’s nomination is the crumbling of the foundation of the Republican party, and I desperately hope to see the voters give it a sledgehammer to the knees, just to make sure it doesn’t rise again.
Looks like the republicans won’t have a contested convention after all – but democrats will.
I for one don’t wonder why he’s been divorced as often as he has been.
Ivana Zelníčková (m. 1977–91
)Marla Maples (m. 1993–99)
Melania Knauss (m. 2005)
I have been married once and still am… longer that trump’s 3 combined
Without doubt the most evil politician I have ever witnessed (in the United States). It’s not even close. He is counting on human weakness on the part of Latinos and African Americans.
I truly believe that both groups can and should tell this fucker to go to hell.
He is counting on using this appeal in two ways: (a) to get some stupids (b) to do (a) and to provide a talking point to the rubes who vote for him, for whatever purpose he can concoct.
Without doubt the most evil.
Honestly, I really don’t think most Dems underestimate him.
I think most Dems are horrified beyond belief and truly can’t believe our country, whatever you think of it, has come to this. THIS…
I hope and pray you are right but a lot of people have underestimated him, and the media totally has his back.
Maybe. But if he doesn’t he’ll have only Hillary to concentrate on, not Cruz or a GOP contested convention. I guess we’ll find out just how stupid or smart Trump is these next 2-3 months. Will the Old Trump be the same as the New Trump?
No. There’s nothing to contest. Madame Secretary has the most delegates. But if Sanders wants to make his last stand on the convention floor, then he can try to stir sh*t up.
And he’ll destroy everything he’s worked for up to now and everything that might have been possible in the future.
It’s the same thing here. No doubt.
“And he’ll destroy everything he’s worked for up to now and everything that might have been possible in the future.”
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
African Americans are smarter voters than Republicans.
Indiana? Where Dumps endorsers included a convicted psychopathic rapist named Tyson and a violent coach named Knight that said, “Rape? Lay back and enjoy it” and that propelled the GOP candidate to victory. Yeah, that’ll work in the general election.
I still count Nixon as my #1 worst
But trump is on the rise.
its the same person
You’ve call up that old Who song…(Meet the new boss, same as the old boss"
I feel kinda weird right now. Kinda like this election has been so bizarre, surreal and utterly, dare I say it - unAmerican. It’s nothing that I’ve ever seen before. Or, at least, not seen since the 1800’s.
But I’ve got this strange feeling like shit has just gotten VERY REAL. Not just knowing Rump is now their standard bearer but also because there are so many people in this country who couldn’t tell the difference. Rump doesn’t understand the wave of anger, hate and violence that he’s surfing on but he and the rest of us will find out this summer and fall. Won’t be any denying it.
As Josh pointed out - his people want revenge. And they’ll justify it anyway they need to.
It’s the new Civil War.
I am observing writing on the right. Many are horrified as well. I believe that there exist Republicans who hate Trump enough to take the form of action such as a coordinating non-voting program or coordinated Hillary program or a mix of the two.
Or a Third Party candidate.
And no, I don’r mind disagreement. After all…besides people like Plucky and some others, few people predicted Trump.