As a card-carrying member of the Cherokee Tribe, I reject the notion that Thanksgiving is used to commemorate the genocide of the Native peoples. I also reject the Washington football team’s use of an image based on stereotype and used to profit off of individuals without due compensation. It isn’t the biggest issue I confront ever day, but the refusal to acknowledge the abusive treatment of the Native peoples in this way continues to be reprehensible behavior.
What is the Christian version of Shria Law?
Dominionism. A lot of evangelical fundamentalists suffer from a belief that “God’s law” controls.
Snyder is an ‘uber fan’
Normal for him is that Redskins belt buckle, but legend has it that he had a Redskins night light as a kid
You still haven’t defined what the Christian Version of Sharia Law is. I can point to exactly what Sharia Law is, so what is the Christian version?
What are all these laws that fundamental Christians, according to you, are attempting to impose on the rest of us?
I’m all for bringing awareness to the genocide both intentional and unintentional of native peoples by the European settlers of the New World, but calling Thanksgiving a commemoration of that genocide is the sort of rhetorical overkill that alienates not only anyone you seek to educate, but many who share a similar view of history.
I’ll also note that it is the Redskins’ name that is offensive, as the team does not have an official mascot.
For starters they believe in ending the separation of church and state which is a crowning achievement of the US Constitution and the American revolution. Only Christian men (the right kind of Christians) would be permitted to participate in Government. Muslims, Jews and women need not apply. In the mind of those who would impose Sharia law the Koran is the controlling legal authority. Law hasn’t advanced since Mohammed. In the mind of the modern Dominationalist the Bible is the controlling legal authority. The law hasn’t advanced since “God” wrote the pentateuch. Even the Gospels of Christ have to be interpreted in a way that is consistent with the old Testament.
So if you are a Dominationalist you think God’s law controls the Constitution. You really think the Enlightenment is the work of the Devil. And you really really think women should be subjugated and gays should be stoned. All the crap to which the modern Republican presidental candidate has to swear allegiance.
Actually Sharia law is mild by Dominationalist standards.
BS, there are no movement among Christians to remove everyone who isn’t a white-Christian male from participating in government. That is just leftist BS they spout off to each other.
Name the candidates that are running on that platform. Name the religious leaders that are advocating remove everyone who isn’t a white-Christian male from government.
I have actually noticed that it is the Democrats who candidates seem to be a little pale. All three white-Northeasternish liberals. Where is the diversity?
The name of the team is awful enough a major reason why Snyder is ranked the worst owner in sports.
Ranked by who? Is it a scientific poll? Was it determined by gathering the opinions of Redskins fans, NFL fans, Washington Area sports fans, NO it is just a ranking determined by the idiots of Rolling Stones Magazine.
Also confirmed by sports writers and fans.
Really. You believe that. Just yesterday Marco Rubio bowed to the extreme Christian evangelical fundamentalists by saying God’s law trumps the Constitution. He knows to whom he has to bow down. Some call the modern evangelical fundamentalism Gateway Fundamentalism. I am assuming you are a fellow traveler and don’t really understand what they are about, and it is nothing short of repealing the entire enlightenment, plunging the world in to a very dark place. Whenever somebody evokes “God’s law” in support of bigotry and hatred he is excusing true evil.
Look up Kevin Swanson and the Religious Liberty Conference recently in Iowa. Three Republican candidates attended. None of them denounced Swanson’s homophobic rants. Watch his rant and tell me he is just a good evangelical Christian spreading the Gospel of Christ. All you have to do is look him up.
The more familiar I become with your posts, the more I agree with this one.
But that’s not what the holiday commemorates. Look, I’m not a big fan of holidays in general, but the events commemorated in Thanksgiving are exactly the opposite of the events you and the article’s author are evoking: it’s a fairly typical harvest celebration, with an additional reminder of generosity toward the needy. Did a bunch of assholes go and start being assholes fairly shortly afterwards? Yes, and we shouldn’t forget that - but we also shouldn’t forget to honor those Native Americans who saw other people in dire straights and were moved to charity. Calling it a holiday to commemorate the indefensible genocide that followed… that doesn’t just ignore the nobility and kindness of those men and women, it mocks them as being foolishly complicit in their own destruction.
I, for one, prefer to honor generous deeds performed with good intent, rather than trample those deeds underfoot in the rush to condemn completely different people. We’ve got way too many holidays celebrating gluttony and greed. Why the rush to throw away the one we have that not only celebrates generosity, but does it over a scenario where “the White Man” isn’t the hero of the story?
Wrong moron. I am not only well aware of the near genocide committed against the peoples of the First Nations here in North America, but also very well aware of the racist mascot the Washington D.C. football organization has had for decades, which needs to be thrown on the dustbin.
Of course if you bothered to actually read my comment, and the specific quotation from the TPM article I was talking about and the moronic framing of it, that Thanksgiving is a celebration of genocide, you would begin to grasp how truly wrong and moronic that framing is.
You are right that it isn’t that complicated. As I clearly stated in my comment, the mascot is racist and needs to go. However trying to recast Thanksgiving celebrations as a celebration of the genocide of the peoples of the First Nations is not only beyond moronic, it is contrary to the holiday itself and the very events that inspired said holiday.
But thanks for proving my point, in that you yourself are trying to conflate and confer onto Thanksgiving that it is a celebration of genocide.
What next? Can’t celebrate Halloween because it represents burning pagans at the stake?
Exactly. Why my comment is confusing some people here who are falling over themselves to miss the point and erroneous and willfully ignore my clearly stating that the football mascot is racist and offensive, is dumbfounding.
It’s an almost a text-book example of the mornic knee-jerk reaction and hyperbolic crap that some want to engage in which works against and degrades the legitimate protests against the racist mascot, etc.
Historical accuracy can be your friend, my friend.
I still don’t see where anyone has asserted that any of those myths are true, only that Thanksgiving is not a holiday that commemorates genocide. No one here has denied the genocide that followed in the years after the meal that the Native Americans and colonists shared, only that the Thanksgiving holiday does not commemorate it.
There is nothing a-historical in a thing I have said. Fail.