Discussion: Vegas Shooter's Father: 'Puked My Head Off' When She Married Second Shooter

Waco writ large…

A De-evolution …

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Mostly for profit.

Well there are so many outlets out in media land trying to convince people of low intellegence that these things are real and true. It took months of research to show my son that Alex Jones was a scam but once he understood how he does what he does…for money…he got it. Today he feels stupid, he knows that FEMA is not coming for us, not building concentration camps etc.

The government should move to stop these people…they are as dangerous as the Taliban maybe more. Jones, Fox, Talk Radio spend 24/7 pumping out slanted truths and garbage and it should be stopped.

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She shot one of the cops, she shot, without hesitation, the guy in Walmart who had a gun drawn on her husband and eventually she shot her husband then herself. That takes a certain level of commitment. I don’t disagree that she may have been “seduced” into whatever movement her husband we aligned with, but once there it appears that she fully embraced it.


Dad sounds a little violent his own self. Maybe he’s justified, but still. Whatever, whoever, however she was seduced his daughter did the bulk of the killing. Of five dead she dispatched 3 of them and herself. Also too, shooting the guy in Walmart shows that she was fully committed. Finally: in a sense, her husband was seduced into this as well. By the likes of Alex Jones and the rest of the wingnut Right.

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How could a woman not be seduced into being a bullet shield for the guys in “Dumbass Nation”.

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I do not mean to diminish his loss, as a father, or to sound callous.
It is noteworthy, though, that he twice referred to taking matters into his own hands and killing another. Is it such a surprise that Daddy’s Girl was attracted to a strong, violence-oriented individual?

I read that he shot the first police officer, she shot the second one. No matter. They’re equally responsible. I feel for this father, I truly do. It’s got to be the most helpless feeling to watch your barely grown child get sucked in to this kind of extreme ideology.

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But supposedly attacking a courthouse on a Sunday?
Serious disconnect with reality-- expecting anyone but security staff to be on-the-clock.

Now, had it been Mississippi?
They could have waltzed in through the unlocked side-door.



Timothy McVeigh thought the same thing - but no revolution, only revulsion.

I was just out to visit a friend in Colorado, he retired a few years ago and stays at home with his ailing wife. I hadn’t seen him in a year or so and I was a bit shocked when he rattled off just about every conspiracy you can imagine. 911 twin towers were an inside job, Chemtrails, the New World order…all this crap. He gets it all from YouTube videos.

Steve Doocey IS one of Murdoch’s vapid blondes

I feel sorry for the Dad and for his daughter. What a waste of human life - but mostly I feel sorry for the innocent victims and their families. This was fueled by the conspiracy nutcases - Alex Jones has blood on his hands.

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You know, I’ve spent an entire career in newspapers and I’m tired of these cheap, cynical rants. I make a good deal less than my friends do, but I (as with many, many of my colleagues) am an idealist. I think what we do is important enough that I try not to worry too much about such trivialities as retirement and job security.
I’ve done a bunch of stories that have ended shitheads’ political careers and even landed some in prison. Right after Timothy McVeigh blew up the Oklahoma City building, I showed up at a local gun show and wrote about all the crazy shit that was there. Since then, I’ve exposed sweetheart, big business deals and right now, I’m trying to understand the effects of unlimited, dark money on our political system - among other things.
What the hell have you done, except demonstrate a spoiled, massive capacity for ignorance? Are American media screwed up right now? I’m sure I know a lot more about how than you ever will.

You have to go looking for youtube videos though. Mostly on youtube I see stuff like funny cat videos (have you seen the cat flushing the toilet over and over?). Your friend must have had some impetus to go searching for the ones he has. I’m betting his door in was Fox or Jones or Drudge or something similar. Maybe he has an online friend who introduced him to this stuff. Very sad. An ailing spouse is certainly a major stressor.

Your rant is totally incoherent. Emiliano always makes thoughtful comments on this site. Are you personally slighted by his pointing out the incompetence of the media, which is undeniable, especially at Fox and company?