Discussion: Vegas Shooter Sought Firearms On Facebook In Weeks Before Attack

So this is testimony that current laws prevent idiots like these two from obtaining certain weapons. Begging on Facebook for an AK isn’t really the way to go if it was that easy to obtain one.

Read that she had a job at Hobby Lobby but he made her quit it.

They were convicted felons and couldn’t buy guns.

Exactly! Everything works as designed and we don’t need more laws banning guns or exceedingly regulating them. Now if the Obama administration and Congress would pass meaningful laws that keep mentally ill people from getting weapons it would be a huge step forward

The administration passes no laws. As for Congress, they will do nothing as regards guns so long as the GOP (and too many Dems) are under the thumb of the oppressive NRA. But just for fun, give me the specifics of such a law. I bet you can’t.

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Yep, it’s working exactly the way the Gun manufacturing lobby, it’s lobbying arm the NRA and running dogs like you want it.

If such laws were passed do you think you would pass the test? Reading your comment history I’d be very safe in betting not.

As more and more deadly incidents involving firearms are illuminated in the media there will soon be a Tsunami of regulation and banishment that cannot be stopped. Watch for it.

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Cop killing murderer opposes universal background checks for guns. All other sane people (this excludes the NRA) are in favor. When will the right wing disavow Miller? Check out his facebook page - it is full of Fox News, Alex Jones, Bundy ranch, second amendment and other right wing paraphernalia…

It won’t pass the nra and the republicans won’t ever vote for something with common sense. I wonder if Hannity and all those Bundy lover Patriots are taking a bow now.

Guess what “Libs”? Neither of these 2 creeps had ever, so far as we know, been diagnosed as mentally ill. Your “diagnosis” wouldn’t count even if you were a psychiatrist, which I doubt, since you never examined either of them. So how exactly would laws regarding the mentally ill have applied here?


Well,such laws would have served as an ineffectual candycoating, another crying point for the truly insane NRA and it’s running dogs to bleat “enforce the laws already on the books” on a daily basis.

Nothing is forever. Nothing.

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I hope the authorities find out who sold the guns and that the victims’ families bring a civil suit against the sellers for everything they have.

Please describe the meaningful law that would keep mentally ill people from getting weapons, and how that law would not involve a background check.

Also, how would said law have prevented this couple from obtaining their guns? What “mental illness” flag would have been shown up?

First start with the obvious: all firearms sales require a background check. No, I will not stop 100% of illegal gun sales, but if the law also carries struck penalties against straw man sales as well as not getting a check, it will lower the amount of illegal sales. Heck, all this guy needed to do was go to a gun show in a state with no checks.

It is was past time to keep hammering at the meme that since the laws will not be perfect, why bother. If the vast majority of gun owners are the responsible types, not real objections will be had. And background checks are not confiscation of weapons. Sorry, it is not even a slippery slope start.

Is that really a surprise…with any of the right wing these days?

Well, if your preferred method of restricting access is pricing people out of the market, you might be correct.

Doesn’t seem like a very effective approach to me.

So, as usual, you’re wrong.

Not even ‘stopped clock’ wrong, because I don’t believe I’ve ever read a post of yours that made sense.