“He feels there’s a lot of good he can do and it’s worth putting up with all the bullshit and scrutiny that will accompany his appointment,” the senior aide said, according to Vanity Fair.
“He is super-concerned about Amazon and Google,” the aide said, according to Vanity Fair, though Thiel is apparently less concerned about Facebook (and remains on the company’s board). “He feels they have become New Age global fascists in terms of how they’re controlling the media, how they’re controlling information flows to the public, even how they’re purging people from think tanks. He’s concerned about the monopolistic tendencies.”
Super Rich White Male feels inoculated from scrutiny or being held accountable. In orders words, a day ending in y.
It’s like the stupid leading the even more incredibly stupid…
“Competence is highly over-rated”, the aide added. “Just look at the President. Huh - this is off the record, right?”
True, but whether its the current Price controversy or the Mnuchin matter, now is not the time to ‘wave a red flag’ in front of a bunch of journos.
Especially ones who likely haven’t forgotten (or possibly carry grudges over) his role in Gawker’s demise.
Think of him as a sort of Betsy or Pruitt for intelligence.
ETA-Add in no-conflicts Rex.
Peter Thiel settling scores from inside the IC. What could possibly go wrong?
So, if he takes on a government role and puts himself in a position to influence the intelligence services, will he be completely divesting himself of any interest in Palantir, which benefits from government contracts from the intelligence services? Or are such naked conflicts of interest and self-dealing passé now?
This German-born naturalized American who recently purchased a New Zealand citizenship has US intelligence interests in mind.
Putting the Ka-Ka in Ka-kacistocracy.
In one of the all time great paradoxes accepting the Intelligence post in this “administration” proves that the individual lacks the requisite intelligence.
Funny they’re putting him in intelligence considering that the CEO of Netflix, who is also on the board of Facebook, basically called Petie a fucking moron for endorsing Trump.
Fixed the senior aide’s quote for accuracy.
Yeah, the guy who just recently got himself made a citizen of another country is going to be high ranking intelligence??
I hope this is a joke.
Sounds like an invitation - though a bit more couched - like Gary Hart’s for press scrutiny.
Even worse this guy might be smart enough to know how to do some things but dumb enough to really fuck things up…oh wait he is like Donald…fuck!
Naked conflicts of interest and self-dealing are not just passé now, but required under the Trump Error.