Discussion: VA Lt. Gov. Fairfax Hired Kavanaugh's Law Firm. His Accuser Hired Blasey Ford's

Give a reason for why you think the accusation should not be taken seriously. Not an adjective but but a reason backed by evidence.

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If Fairfax wanted to communicate to women that he respects them and wanted them to give him the benefit of the doubt, hiring Kavanaugh’s defenders was the last thing he should have done.


What’s your cutoff in years? 15? 10? 5?

Disagree that 15 years automatically means that we should not consider her accusation but this is the type of argument with facts that I was asking for in my previous comment. Many women do not talk about this type of event until years later. They act when there is additional reasons to take the ridks of going public.

Another point in Fairfax’s favor us that WAPO did not find any similar accusations. So, apparently, not a pattern of behavour for the man.

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He’s not acting.


Money, bitterness, alibis, regret, 15 minutes of fame, lots of reasons. There are in-depth studies on this, as well as many documented cases. And those people actually hurt the cause for sure. You do realize that Judy Munro-Leighton admitted that she lied about being raped by Kavanugh, yes? I’m quite sure Ford was totally honest on her being assaulted by Kavanaugh. But now the right can just say “oh yeah, that lady who accused Kavanaugh was lying” without distinguishing who it was. I have told several people I thought Ford was being 100% honest who have then replied “what do you mean, she admitted lying”. I then have to explain that was a different lady.

Again, false allegations are NOT the norm…but to act like it does not happen is absurd. It is generally agreed that between 2 and 10 percent of rape allegations are proven not to be true. To say that number is 0 is frankly ridiculous.The real shame is that false accusations also play a big role in keeping many women with legit allegations from coming forward. But the bigger role is indeed the abuse a woman will take from defense attorneys, etc. That in no way excuses the real world of false allegations.

I’m choosing to be diplomatic.

And by your measure between 90% and 98% are true. So let’s focus on the 2%?


Oh for fucks sake.

It was more like $600k. She is using some of that to upgrade security at her house since she was getting countless death threats. It was money she would have never had to spend if she had not come forward. The rest she donated to charities for abused women. So no, getting death threats was not a “consolation”.


With him, it’s not necessary.

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Maybe read the whole thread. I replied top someone who said ALL allegations are true. That is false. If a guy has dated 98 women and there are no issues, but he rapes 2 other women, …he can’t use as his defense to “focus on the 98%”.

I would also note that I said ALL allegations (100%) should be taken seriously and investigated. Again, I replied to a person who said they should “all be believed”. There is a difference.

It happened in 2004. Period. Not credible.

That’s fine, I understand that. There is a huge difference between a public accusation about something, and not talking. If you make a public accusation, you better have a police report or corroboration of other sort. Like a pattern of serious things, other women reporting the same kind of sexual abuse. Cosby-like. Otherwise, it’s clearly just revenge or something like that.

15 years is ipso facto enough to simply discount and disregard this.

That’s funny, I thought the law firm representing Kavanaugh was the US Senate Judiciary Committee. I didn’t know they were taking on new clients.


Of the 4-5 women who came out against Kavanaugh:

  • Munro-Leighton admitted to lying
  • Sweeney admitted to lying - DOJ investigating this for perjury and lying
  • Ramirez admitted that she was black-out drunk during a party
  • Another accusation was withdrawn

It comes down to a single uncorroborated accusation.

He needs someone to tell him when to STFU. Having to write large checks to that someone increases the odds he’ll listen. With some people it’s the only way to get them to take the badly needed advice.

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I think Tyson is showing baller level political skills. Totally cut throat. She’s exacting her revenge through a public #metoo shaming and forcing Fairfax to deal with stuff for a change. In my view, Fairfax should take a deep breath, stick to his denial (as Tyson’s statement doesn’t totally contradict him) and think of the people of VA and continue to do his job. With Northam in as much trouble as he is, Fairfax needs to just do his job and protect the Commonwealth from a GOP power play.



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The headline sounds like the start of a movie trailer:

"When the Lt. Gov. hired a party boy’s law firm and a wronged professor hired a hard-hitting civil rights lawyer, neither knew that they would soon be in for Nothing Notorious.
Nothing Notorious, coming to theaters Summer 2019.

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