Discussion: USC Athletic Director To Boycott NCAA Meeting To Honor His Gay Son

FauXians preyed-------prayed

and doG provides answers .

Reckon they’ll get the message?

What if they look at you in a threatening way (or perhaps threatening your heterosexual image of yourself)? Can you stand your ground and shoot them down?

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.[quote=“Sniffit, post:3, topic:18622, full:true”]
New Teatroll candy: Pence’s Feces.

From the people that brought you Lindsey Graham’s Fruit and Nut Bar


Thank You, Coach Hayden, for being a leader and a great role model!

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I believe the Trojans are the USC team. University of Southern California.

Not really correct. He was no star in the NFL. He was a so-so quarterback on some very strong teams at TailbackU. But he does seem to have grown up, unlike so many of the stars at his venue.

Pence's bigot 'splainin doesn't seem to be working

You could call Pence a small man. A pee-wee, even. What’s going on in Indiana now is Pee-Wee’s Bigot Venture.


Nearly every NCAA member school has a diversity policy that should PREVENT their AD’s from attending this event. Call and write your school to voice your support for ending the NCAA’s presence until the Indiana Religious Hate Law is repealed and replaced with the inclusion of LGBT members as a protected class.


You may do so only if thinking about the yucky things they do with each others body parts makes you feel faint. Feeling faint is counter religious, so shooting would be justified.

If Kentucky were to refuse to play there until this asinine law is repealed it might be effective. And, that really would take courage across the board.

This is a man who truly loves his son and is true to his principles. Bravo, sir.


Teabaggers (or, known by their other name, the Klan) are in deep shit, no matter how they want to spin it. Ordinary Americans got past this a long time ago.

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One thing left to do would be to start a petition urging advertisers to stop buying commercials for all the three games left to be played in Indiana this year.


Admit it,deny it…pretend it isn’t so…our sisters,cousins,mothers and fathers…brothers…friends or casual acquaintances, colleagues.virtually anyone may have this going on in their life and it is not a coincidence or figment of anyone’s imagination…LBGT people exist and there are untold millions of “normal” Americans who unconditionally love them.


Unfreaking believable! And this is USfreaking C!! Next someone will tell me that they are changing the name of that stupid horse!

Where it concerns bigotry and hate, UK has not a toe, a leg, a hand or a digit to stand on.


Never happen. Coach Cal is too close to “achieving perfection” – which, of course, he can turn into more money when some NBA team tries to get him back to the pros. With Coach Cal, it’s all about the Benjamins – just like the NCAA, who will pull out of Indianapolis about the same time Pence posts his Grindr account on the state web site.


An acquired disease that many younger people are getting cures for, and often avoiding the infection to begin with.

Good reporting. Unfortunately, it takes having a gay son for a coach to recognize and to stand against discrimination. I wonder, would the coach have made the same decision if his son was straight? Just asking.

For me, with a straight son and daughter, I would have boycotted any NCAA events in Indiana.

The NCAA needs to relocate out of Indiana ASAP. The NCAA should have relocated the Final 4! Move the NCAA to Chicago or another city in a state where equality is a top priority.

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Sounds like he’s going to miss out on some delicious Memories Pizza.