Discussion: US Slows Afghanistan Drawdown, Will Keep 9,8000 Troops Through 2015

Discussion for article #234653

As we were told when this first started, “We can not win this if the opium trade is not stopped.” We know we can’t stop this now so what are we doing but killing more of my fellow cannon fodder avatars for the US citizens that believe this to be required but will never and would never serve. They are cowards and we are fodder!!!

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The never ending wars of Imperial America, brought to you by the warmongering Drone King himself!

But … but… Bush!


Obama has taken us down from 100,000 to under 10,000, and Kerry’s diplomacy pulled the election out of the fire and created what appears now to be a functioning government there. Afghanistan seems headed in the right direction now.

Better than when Bush let Iraq go to Maliki who was ferociously partisan for Shiites and almost lost the whole country to ISIS, isn’t it?