How long before HO claims credit for this development? I mean, he does seem to have Putin’s ear…
I truly applaud this much needed humanitarian effort, but as Drumpf continues to slide in the polls, Donnie will probably have his rump buddy Vlad resume the bombing. Gotta keep the red meat coming for his base.
Russia and U.S. form an alliance to fight jihad. Putin’s pissant must be feeling a tad betrayed by his war daddy chief.
The humanitarian effort is certainly most welcome, but I fail to grasp the endgame from the US point of view.
Assad is despicable and we want him out. But then, who do we think should run Syria? I don’t see any viable, reasonable options.
The viable reasonable option is “do not overthrow Assad and place an American dictator in his place”, obviously. That is what Obama / dubya / America do in general. Russia has enough clout and wisdom to disallow this to happen now. Assad will remain in power. He is not the problem. Putin is the help this mess requires, and the mess further requires that Obama shut up and get out, along with this hypocrite Kerry. After all, Obama has been arming ISIS in Syria with Turkey’s proxy help, destabilizing a legitimate government. Obama has been arming ISIS with his “moderate rebels” taking arms and training from Obama and the CIA. Both Obama and Kerry are consummate liars. We need actual leaders in this country, not boy toys and puppets licking the pants of the MIC / banks / energy industry. Putin is the real hope for any peace here. Obama is the incarnate real curse of constant tragedy and war crimes.
That’s snark, right??
No, unfortunately this guy is for real. Either that or he’s very committed to the bit.
Poe’s law in action once again, only the other way round.
Ummm, what are they fighting for and what is all the killing for again?