Discussion: US Court Strikes Gay Marriage Bans In 4 States

Discussion for article #225632

aaaand marriage equality keeps rolling along. A few more like this, and there is no way the Supreme Court (well, the majority at least) can go backwards.

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Been waiting for this one. No link to decision?

Maybe they can just ditto every other one that has been slapped down?


Poor crying fundies, no one is listening to your outdated arguments anymore.

Such a shame. I’ll pray for you. Oh wait, no I won’t, since Gawd is a figment of your fuggin’ imagination.


I do hope they were able to include a back-hand snipe at Scalia.


Just the best news…

I will pray for them. I am sure her holiness will bless them, even when they worship a male god.

There you go.

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At the rate this is going, the Supreme Court won’t even have to grant cert. If there is unanimity in the Circuit rulings, the Supremes can merely allow the Circuit court rulings to stand.


Her holiness will give them a solid nut shot.

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America Wins Again!!

…and the dominoes keep falling…

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The ruling covers South Carolina as well. A certain Senator is rushing out to register silver and china patterns.


The Fourth Circuit used to be extremely conservative, albeit more old school conservative rather than Federalist Society style activist conservatiive than the Fifth.

Just in case anyone was wondering why Republicans spent so much political capital obstructing judicial nominees . . .


Much obliged

He’s got the vapors!

The progress of equality is heart-warming. The fact that the court involved is located in the old “Capital of the Confederacy,” is just lagniappe.