Ambassador Robert Wood “Woody” Johnson
Nice porn name.
“The U.S. ambassador in London is urging Britain to back President Donald Trump in pulling out of the Iran nuclear agreement, saying a united front is the best way to persuade Tehran to change its course.”
A united front? That’s a brilliant idea!
Maybe we could get the UK, France, Russia, China, Germany, and the EU to sign a deal with Tehran to…
Oh…oh, wait a minute…
Don’t do it.
Because the deal was/is effective,and UK’s involvement would be critical.
Because it was piss Trump off and make him look like the incompetent douche he’s always been.
is the best way to persuade Tehran to change its course
Change the course? In what way? To start building nuclear weapons again?
(I am not saying that it would be bad is they stopped being undemocratic theocracy, but can not expect the the regime to be willing to do suicide and besides, if the people could choose freely they still would not elect leaders that were very friendly with USA, Israel or Saudi-Arabia.)
The British know as well as everyone else on earth that the only possible better deal is vague, nebulous thing that currently exists only in Trump’s maggot-infested brain and will never exist anywhere else. We were in a pretty good arrangement and we left. It won’t be renegotiated while Trump is in office.
This is kinda his job, actually. It’s also his job to deliver the “fuck you” response.
I hope Meghan Markle is photographed wearing a jacket with the words, “I hope Trump buggers off. Don’t U”
What would the British euphemism be for “Go Pound Sand”?
I don’t trust britain, under may.
Yo Brits don’t be too polite to laugh in “Woody’s” face,
thanx and cheers
American foreign policy under Trumpf: bully, bully, bully. And I’m not directly quoting Teddy Roosevelt, although I would argue that speak softly and carry a big stick is far preferable.
Isn’t this request for support from the UK too late! Trump should have secured that before trashing President Obama’s Iran Deal.
Hope the UK tell America to go too hell! And I’m a PROUD AMERICA!
I just happened to HATE how this dotard potus represents MY COUNTRY!
No one has been screwed worse by Russia than Britain. With Brexit on one side and Trump on the other, they make us look like the modicum of restraint and civility. And that’s not even getting into the Novichok poisonings.
They appear rudderless and, from the outside, look to be run by small men and women, with an economy in shambles. And we apparently need them to sustain this blown Iran deal. Watching the Trumpsters in action is like watching a child trying to clean a small stain and making it infinitely worse.
Woody Johnson should go back to mismanaging the Jets football team.
It won’t be renegotiated ever. Unless the US changes course and rejoins the current agreement (presumably once Trump is out of office) there will be no future deal. Why would the Iranians negotiate with us if we’ve demonstrated that any deal is subject to being reneged on at any future date?
Before we can talk about “deals” we have to demonstrate to the Iranians that we’re actually negotiating in good faith.
“We’ll take that under advisement, Mr. Ambassador. Thank you.”
I’m a Brit. I’m pretty sure the relevant idiom is “go fuck yourself”.
Oh sure, it should be no problem to convince the Iranians to sit down and cut a deal with the guy who just torpedoed the deal that they already made, and were apparently adhering to.
I’m pretty sure that they can look at his public history, and decide for themselves what would be the chance that this deal would be the one in his whole sad life that he would decide to honor.
The U.S. ambassador in London is urging Britain to back President Donald Trump in pulling out of the Iran nuclear agreement, saying a united front is the best way to persuade Tehran to change its course.
How’s about the UK, EU and other entities remain united to persuade tRump to change his course??
Sorry, Mr. Ambassador, I refrain from shaking hands with idiots in the gutter.