Discussion: Upon Questioning, GOP Rep. Pence Quietly Changes FEC Filings About Trump Hotel

Funnily enough,

Thanks for that. It sparkles.

HA! I think Rep Pence looks like a cross between Mikey and Roger Stone…

Hey…Race was cool, man. AND he was always nice to the little Hindu boy.


I loath these people. Apparently the Beatitudes are Fake News.


Definitely not related to the Pences, then.

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“… hostile reporters…”

If only. Hostile reporters are a rare breed these days.

Definitely not related to Steve Bannon, either. For God’s sake, Race Bannon was the muscle for a bunch of science prodigies! And he seemed to be proficient piloting helicopters, jet planes, spacecraft, and all manner of stuff – I wouldn’t trust Steve Bannon at the wheel of his Escalade.

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