Discussion: University: Robert E. Lee Statue Outside Duke Chapel Vandalized

My animosity is directed at the white supremacists who co-opted the reputation of dead confederate officers to serve a racist Jim Crow agenda. Truly evil.



[quote=“bdtex, post:30, topic:60806, full:true”]
Will it will help Dems win in NC in 2018 or 2020?
[/quote] Good question, and I would gamble legislative majorities until the cows come home if it finally set right all this Lost Cause/ Jim Crow construct. My sense is this is a historic moment.

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Wonder if folks will start lining up to be arrested for doing this like that are for the RE Lee monument?

There’s more at stake than that. There is a Census in 2020 and another round of redistricting and Electoral College reapportionment after that. My sense is that the left is barreling towards a series of “Wtf just happened?” elections.

Maybe, and I am getting old and want the change I have yearned for since the days of Segregation to arrive. I’m done triangulating. Dems need to lead from the front.


Sentimental pap. In life, Lee was responsible for massive, pointless loss of life. In death, his image was used to bolster a cult of falsified history and crude oppression. Enough already.

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The NC Right already had their series of WTF just happened moments. SCOTUS ruled the recent NC redistricting was racist and must be redrawn. SCOTUS upheld a ruling that the NC 2013 voting law changes were unconstitutional due to racism.

When the highest court in the land repeatedly rules that the Republicans of North Carolina are malicious racists, then the Republicans of North Carolina just might be racists.


My sense is the you have no sense of what is going on in the country if that’s what you think.

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A criminal act? Like drinking out of the “whites’ only” water fountain? Tear. Them. Down.


Duke should donate that terror symbol to the nearest waste incinerator, as a symbolic representation of where that damned traitor’s soul resides.


Botched rhinoplasty.

Thanks Thunder, my fellow history lover. I’m as liberal as it gets but I work with a lot of American Historians for a tour company that does CW history tours (& Rev. War, & WW1, WW2, Great American City Tours, etc., etc.) and conferences. Oddly enough, I am working one as I write this, just arrived for the conference. This one is CW and I’ll be interested to hear the chatter amongst the academic crowd.

I don’t care if they take statues down that offend, but a lot of this talk of Lee is way over simplified and your point about the relationship and respect between Lee and Grant could teach us all a lesson as we move forward.

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Your sense is wrong based on fear of R threats. .

The new group, called the National Democratic Redistricting Committee, was developed in close consultation with the White House. President Barack Obama himself has now identified the group — which will coordinate campaign strategy, direct fundraising, organize ballot initiatives and put together legal challenges to state redistricting maps — as the main focus of his political activity once he leaves office.

@tena You may have seen this already


That is the bigger question, university president Vincent E. Price.
Answer that first.

Donald J. Trump :heavy_check_mark: @realDonaldTrump
Sad to see the history and culture of our great country being ripped apart with the removal of our beautiful statues and monuments. You…

[from Slate. Confed. Gen. Forrest in TN]

Actually no and it’s great = I’m glad you posted it.

I am aware of the gerrymandered maps being struck down and the fact that we’ve won 14 special elections since Trump was appointed. Some of them were in districts Trump carried by double digits.

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Just like I said somewhere earlier - these are not art - they are Philistine obscenities.

Yup. And a less competent officer would’ve lost the war faster, too. Those statements being true doesn’t make any of the rest of it false, though.

We’ll see.