Discussion: Underground Pipeline Exposed On Riverbed After Yellowstone Oil Spill

Discussion for article #232470

The Republican response.

  1. Didn’t happen.
  2. Okay, it happened, but so what, I mean C’MON.
  3. That water was polluted prior to the spill because of something to do with Democrat regulation.
  4. Those 6000 people with polluted water wouldn’t have jobs if it weren’t for the pipeline.
  5. Democrats are enviro-crazies that love fish more than jobs…and people.
  6. Mitt was right about everything.
  7. Wipe.
  8. Flush.

errrrr They will also say a bigger diameter pipe was needed to hold all the oil. That is why the little pipe broke.

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  1. Human’s buried it, gawd exposed it. It is his will.

Seeing the news about the blizzard coming toward the Northeast. Yowsa.

When bad weather happens in red states, it’s Obama messing with the weather.

When it happens on the East coast, it’s some sky buddy punishing liberals.

Stay safe, people.


If only this could have been predicted.

Oh, wait!!


We have let the oil creeps rule us for too long. NIMBY thinking.

So what’s the problem?

Just lay bigger pipe. Something one-half the diameter of Dick Cheney’s ass hole should suffice.

How does one prepare one’s kids/Grandkids for water wars…

Start a war on water…