Discussion: UK Parliament Rejects Four Alternatives To Theresa May's Ailing Brexit Deal

Keep wishing for a pony in one hand and Brexiting in the other. See which one fills up first.


One of my favorite lines from The West Wing is when Leo McGary tells the ambassador to Great Britain, who was frustrating the hell out of him with elitist humor, “Yea, but we opened up a can of whoop ass on you at Yorktown.” Now, I love Great Britain, and I want them to save themselves…so FFS have a re-vote!

Speaking of The West Wing…of which I was a huge fan…

Here are some fond memories: Martin Sheen for Prez also too… :smiley:


What a group of fuck-ups.


The option that makes the most sense, dropping out of Brexit, is the one that got the least support. The British Parliament is as screwed up as the House of Representatives when the Repugs were in control. The US is going to suffer for some time because of the morons who elected Trump but Britain’s morons are going to inflict more severe suffering on their country with Brexit. It is going to make interesting reading for decades and centuries from now – how the two main English speaking countries in the world adopted disastrous policies and elected morons for no apparent reasons other than fear, stupidity, racism, and misogyny.


Just call a new public referendum, with people now having some idea what it is all about. They can vote again to leave, but they cannot vote for the EU to give them a plum deal in the bargain.


They are all extremely stupid as well.

A lot of MPs who had the custom union as their #2 option, but preferred a referendum nonetheless voted against the custom union, and vice versa.

They were too stupid to realize this wasn’t a first past the post vote, and consequently sank both their preferred options.


Don’t forget that both decisions were made with the illegal influence on the votes from their greatest nemesis, yet both forged ahead and insisted on seeing the votes as legitimate… Many dissertations will be written…


Vladdy Putin must be ecstatic, between Donnie being inextricably and permanently cleared of collusion, and his Brexit plot working so wonderfully.


No, the first referendum vote was wrong and a new referendum would be just as wrong. It’s the wrong way to make public policy. If Parliament were full of adults, they would stand up and say “The people of the United Kingdom voted for Parliament to negotiate a Brexit deal. We have found that we are unable to do so, and so we are revoking Article 50 and calling a general election. If the people can unite around a political coalition which can advance a specific Brexit deal that the public can support, then let them do so.”

But they won’t, because just like congresscritters on our side of the lake, MPs over there love their offices.


Bricks it?

Even at my most jaded, I never thought the UK would crash out with no deal just… because. I thought some party would be able to put the good of the country ahead of cynically leveraging this chaos for their own means. That May is leading the Tories off a stupid cliff for no reason is bad enough, but what have we seen that makes us think Corbyn would be doing any different?

They’re all quite mad.


The first was wrong on so many levels. But undoing that will really take another vote to be seen as legitimate.

Expect if they do that, the Brexit would crash down to 40% at best, probably lower, now that the actual details are known, and it’s not the pony and cake combo they were promised.


And then… what if they don’t? What if they say “oi m8 we already voted on this, innit? we voted leave!” Do you say fool-me-twice and shoot your own country in the forehead?

This sort of certainty that elite wisdom must surely prevail, that of course everyone would come to their senses at some point, was the core failing of Cameron’s plan in the first place.

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Since you can’t undo the past, have to at least give them the shot.

Same as us in 2020… if we re-elect the orangutan, knowing what we know now, we deserve everything that’s coming.

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We elected him, god help us. They voted for a non-binding referendum. The actual rule of law in Great Britain should not die on the hill of a damned fool popularity contest. Real people are going to really suffer, and for what? So Parliament can say “well we warned you”?

You tell the people you are the elite, they are wrong, and if they feel bad about it they can vote you out. Noblesse oblige. Don’t shirk the duty because you feel like you can pin it on the rubes.


Which Parliament said they would be bound by, even though it wasn’t binding… etc. etc. etc.

Colossal cock-up the whole way through…


Maybe they should hold a referendum on whether referenda are a legitimate way to make public policy?


I like it. Very Zen.

Had they just put it as, “Do we want the Premier League to be able to attract the best players in Europe and compete deep into the Champions League, or do we want roadblocks, taxes and work visas to interfere with our ability to attract star talent?”, the vote would have gotten maybe 20%, and that from fans of clubs too small to ever dream of competing.


What fools. There is a 5th alternative, and it’s the best choice: hold a second referendum. It’s likely “Remain” would prevail, and the U.K. can recover. It’s the only sensible solution. May is stubborn and foolish and won’t admit a mistake, and would rather kill her country’s economy than do the right thing.

What is wrong with these people?