I think that’s on the agenda.
Nigel Farage has denied placing currency bets against sterling after an investigation raised questions over public statements he made suggesting the remain camp had won on the night of the EU referendum.
So you fking cowards… ‘my way or the highway ‘? You rip sht apart and when you don’t get your way you run??? Yeah really putting country first you mealy mouthed bottom feeders.
OK maybe I’m a bit frazzled, worn out, and lacking in expertise, but isn’t it pointless and self-defeating to try to claim asylum in your own country’s embassy? Not sure how that would work.
Ask Vlad.
May was against Brexit. It has since been revealed that Brexit politicians colluded w Russia and received funding from Russia to make it happen. These traitorous louts are now essentially saying to her, ‘give in to us completely or we will sink your government’.
Is there any point where she might say ‘fuck you gents, the first referendum was hopelessly corrupted and I’m calling for a new Brexit referendum’?
Dude it’s Trump, it doesn’t have to make sense it only has to cause chaos and get on TV.
And if he went to the old embassy’s address he could, I suppose be arrested for squatting.
Well, in the white Bronco low-speed chase sense, sure. But I think that stage is still down the road a ways.
Sounds a lot like someone else we know.
That situation would be too tempting for Pence. He might start out saying ‘sure boss, I’ll keep your seat warm for you’ but I’m sure within a few weeks Our Precious Lord would appear to him in a vision and instruct him to rat Trump out.
I am reading a novel set in the post Brexit world where Putin wants to expand Russia by absorbing several old Soviet Union countries back into Russia. It is not the best novel, but it hints at what the author thinks Putin is doing. He is destabilizing NATO so we Americans won’t feel the need to honor our commitments under Article 5 of the NATO treaty when they invade some of the newer NATO members in the eastern part of Europe.
If you think about it, that is what Trump’s Russia centric foreign policy could be all about.
I thought Theresa May’s plan could work politically. As I read through some summaries, it basically keeps the UK at the same tariff rates, pricing and other standards for goods and (some) services, as the rest of the EU and it also agrees to consider and adopt European Court of Justice rulings as it relates to goods. This avoids having to put in a real border between Northern Ireland and Ireland. On services, it’s wishy washy, but one would expect the EU would demand harmonization there too. It creates a customs arrangement (i.e., the same customs union as is a key element of today’s EU).
May is essentially committing to pay dues to the EU for commonly pursued areas. She wants control and independence over agriculture, fisheries, some services, and immigration.
So what this is is fairly similar to Norway’s deal. The EU is sure to reject it in its current form because it’s EU a la carte, which Brussels will view as damaging the economic integration that the EU is trying to achieve as others will want similar deals that please the politically rambunctious and nationalistic groups.
However, I view May’s proposal as a more strategic move to tap into France
and Germany’s desire to keep the UK in the EU’s geopolitical orbit, and away from Trump. In that sense, she is betting that France and Germany might want to agree to a type of special arrangement that deviates in part from a full commitment to the EU’s four freedoms: free movement of goods, labour, capital and services. France and Germany will also bet that keeping the EU’s hooks into the UK will eventually offer a path back once the UK’s politics change.
But then Boris Johnson just sort of blew that up. There is no move for a party leadership challenge or a motion of no confidence at the moment, but one must think that if May can’t get this plan passed by Parliament that her gov’t will fall. The EU isn’t going to negotiate with a PM that has no support. Perhaps that is Boris Johnson’s point. So long as the UK refuses to reach any deal that the EU would find even remotely acceptable, the present default would be a ‘hard Brexit’. Johnson may think a US trade deal would be sufficient to keep the UK afloat. I doubt that. There’s very little that the UK makes that US consumers and manufacturers would actually want.
The thing is in a ‘hard Brexit’ situation, the UK would very likely go into a recession and the Tories would be out of power as Labour will run things along a New Zealand style socialist experiment.
It’s political dysfunction. Now would be the right time for a coalition of center left Labour, center right Tories, and Liberal Dem pols to unite behind a Brexit revote.
Could they lock him in the London Eye?
Would that be Mother Pence?
I suppose it’d be bad form to pick someone active in foreign government for your own country’s high court even in a reality show style reveal.
Putin won the US with rigging the Trump election. Now Putin is trying to break up the EU with Brexit being his key counter espionage initiative cloaked in white nationalism…which sold very well in the US vis the NRA and Republicans and so Putin is copying that strategy in the UK.
Putin is also using immigration to divide Germany…another country he needs out of the way of his global neo-Nazi push!
The UK should hold a 2nd vote…the people are now smart to Putin and will vote to remain in the EU! Just like the US should hold a revote on Trump now that we know he conspired with Putin to truly rig the election.
I truly hope England wins the World cup. Because they are heading to a hurricane of hurt. There are only nine months left to negotiate with the EU and they haven’t decided within the ruling party what they want. They are going to get royally screwed in Brussels.
Their best hope is for the Europeans to kick the UK out and at least saves them the trouble of deciding and humiliation of not getting anything .
Best to let the Brits sort this out, don’t you think?
Johnson may think a US trade deal would be sufficient to keep the UK afloat. I doubt that. There’s very little that the UK makes that US consumers and manufacturers would actually want.
Yep. Exactly what I am thinking. In terms of a negotiating stance, the UK is in a bad spot. The Tories have to know that Rump considers our “special relationship” to be worth only as much as the Brits are willing to tithe him personally. After that, nothing. In some ways, the UK doing any sort of trade deals with the US is kinda like the blind leading the blind.
I have no doubt that Junker wants to use the UK’s exit as a worst case scenario of what comes from idiots who let their racism decide their fates.