Discussion: TX Lawmaker: Planned Parenthood’s Is No Different Than ‘Nazi Germany’

Both of those shows are utterly irrational. Anyone who accepts them as fact needs to see a shrink.


Planned Parenthood No Different Than ‘Nazi Germany’

Only Unplanned Children can be übermensch! Jawohl!


I feel sure that Lewis Black is quite please that you referenced him…

These days a lot of people are utterly unaware of how bad the Nazis were.


Putin wants the UN to consider Mexico’s claim to Texas. I think it would be more than fair if we gave TX back to Mexico in return for Putin returning Crimea to Ukraine.

(I’m pretty sure that in reality, Mexico wouldn’t take Texas back under any circumstances Maybe they’ll go independent, thereby allowing Trump to build a shorter wall).


Actually, it is Texas that is very much like Nazi Germany, because the Nazis were strictly anti-abortion.

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Given an un-labeled map

How many of these malignorants would be able to find Germany, or Iran, or Iraq?

Or tell us what nazi stands for.?

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“A Texas state representative…”
I stopped reading right there as I knew it would be something unbelievably stupid, and I was right.



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She’s the misanthrope who said some stupid things during the period Wendy Davis was filibustering an abortion bill, particularly about abortion kits. It’s in this article.


And women were told what to do with their bodies.

You know who else liked to hand out pap smears and breast cancer screenings to the public? Hitler!

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Republicans are OBSESSED with using Nazi Germany as an analogy for everything they see wrong with our society.

Gay marriage? Nazi Germany
Iran nuclear deal? Leading Jews to the ovens
Taking down the Confederate flag? Nazi Germany

And on and on it goes.

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I don’t think any politician or any pundit (or poster) should invoke a comparison to Nazis. The Nazis are so far beyond in terms of evil any comparison would be apples and fruitcakes. Nazis were dictatorial, repressive, twisted in their ideology. And those are their good qualities. They murdered by deliberate invention of industrial methods, six million human beings. And they began a world war that consumed the lives of an estimated 50 million people and destroyed a large part of the land mass between the Ural mountains and the Atlantic ocean. So comparing them to a puny politician is nonsense…by either party.

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I doubt they are aware of what town they live in. Nor could the find New York on a map of New York.

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The white noise makes it sooooo much easier to lull the country to sleep. People won’t even notice real outrage after a time.

It’s almost like they feel an affinity for it our something.

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Are any of these nitwits aware that every hospital handles fetal materials in the very same way? That makes all our healthcare professionals Nazis? After a birth or medical procedure, all fetal tissues are harvested and sent to research facilities to help in stem cell disease cures. Many of the the For Profit hospitals sell the fetal materials unlike Planned Parenthood which donates them.


Ah, the nazi comparison…it had been a long time since conservatives used it…some what, 12 hours?

Word of Huckabee’s smackdown hasn’t gotten to the anti-women crowd yet.

Why is there no mention anywhere about the sale of baby foreskins? The hospitals charge money to mutilate a male offspring, then profit a second time for selling them. If I’m not mistaken, one male infant foreskin can grow almost a football field worth of faux skin.

I’m not saying that many people benefit from the availability of the skin. I’m just asking why the argument isn’t made on both sides of the debate.