Why were you interested in hearing her speak? Do you speak Polish? And how do you know so much about the people in the photograph? I’m sorry, but I’m suspicious of the motives for your comment.
What, a random concerned individual shows up on a blog for perhaps the first time spouting talking points to try to counter the narrative of the article and you doubt their authenticity? How dare you!
They’re not sending their best.
I’m sure most of the Romanians are very nice people and they are just trying to make a buck (or Euro). But it does tend to lead to a lack of investment in the effort, I imagine.
I gather you think she has a right to speak and should not be punished for doing so.
Leaving that aside for a moment, what do you make of the following?
Poland [recently] passed a law criminalizing claims of Polish responsibility for the Holocaust
Could you provide us with the number of estimated Polish priests and nuns who were murdered by the Nazis?
This series of antisemitic Polish nationalist rallies in NYC (and Chicago, etc.) seems to have come out of nowhere, is well-organized and well-funded. Putin’s work?
But I’m polite this time.
I’m sure you’ll be able to summarize her point of view for me. What is the point of her talks? Is she upset that Poland is being accused of willingly participating in virulent anisemitism…Iike auschwitz, or that jews were more complicit in the deaths of fellow Jews in WWII than history has taught?
That’s an excellent way to put it.
I consider it as the most important aspect of German identity to see to it that the the history of the Holocaust is remembered, so as to warn future generations. Not because it is particularly likely to happen again in Germany, but because it could happen anywhere.
Summer camp, concentration camp, hey, it’s all just a camp!
Not until now.
y'all think i'm fucking kidding? pic.twitter.com/OHx6RL9d5v
— lexiconic (@cyberwitchlexi) November 27, 2018
Well, he didn’t… but it did get brought up.
Oh wow pic.twitter.com/uabLYhf0eY
— Owen Jones🌹 (@OwenJones84) June 1, 2019
That must be why they charged the woman with assault…she punched him.
Of course they had fun! Didn’t any of you people ever see Hogan’s Heroes??? And imagine how much fun a REAL scavenger hunt is when one is scavenging for food, rather than trivial and silly things!!! My god, what a potpourri of opportunities for fun!
“Hogan’s Heroes were heroes because they were captured. I like people that weren’t captured.”
One of WWII’s most iconic pictures. The Jews here were all gassed within a couple days of this picture, at either the Treblinka or Majdanek extermination camps. But according to the Holocaust denier (whose posts were removed last night), they look well-fed.
And another freedom medal will be awarded by spankee, followed by a fabulous whites’ house dinner. “Ya want fries with that?”
The dark time is getting darker.
This is Holocaust denial, not “distortion.”
Arguing that Jews were complicit in or condoned the Shoah (Holocaust) denies the central fact that it was the mass murder of Jews by non-Jews.
Stop calling this fucking bitch Ewa Kurek a “distorter”. She is just as much a Holocaust denier as all the other ones.
If you go around saying that Jews collaborated with the Nazis to hasten their own extermination and were having a grand old time in the ghettos, you are not “distorting”. You are denying the known truth of what happened during the Holocaust.
These are not “distortions”. These are fucking LIES!