Is anyone aware of whether these attacks were occuring during the Obama administration?
Or is this just another function of Dotard coming to power?
all but certain they started in the last year or so of Obama’s admin.
Correct. This all began during the Obama years.
This really is a confounding situation. I suffer from those exact same symptoms, but mine is all due to an actual blow to my head. Sound, by itself, generally isn’t capable of causing this kind of damage. It can certainly break your eardrums and damage your hearing, but any sound that is capable of causing actual brain damage is due to the blast force from a bomb or explosion. That is not the case in either Cuba or China. I’d be curious to learn if any of these American’s jobs involved listening over any device that required earphones or other apparatus where sound was being directly transmitted into the ear.
I think its not too premature to say something specifically meant to target US Consulates and our diplomats is being done by a hostile force now that we have it happening in two locations on opposite sides of the world. This is no longer a complete mystery in that respect. Whether its a state actor or some other group, some nefarious group has some new technology we know nothing about that can target our diplomats. The fact that we still don’t know what’s going on and have no way to fight against this is what’s most disturbing. Someone is purposely attacking our diplomats and you’d think we’d know more by now what that something was.
This is of little help I suppose, but I vaguely recall reading about some real or proposeed system of eavesdropping involving the bombardment of the target with some kind of radiation. I’ve gotta believe our people have at least some hypothesis of what’s going on
These are simply false flag operations by the USA’s CIA to foster war mongering and rationale for attacking and destroying China and Cuba. No, none of this ever happened prior to Trump.
As usual, like 9/11, the CIA are attacking USA citizens to create an atmosphere to take out China and Cuba. This is a routine false flag operation in most respects.
Don’t be any sillier than you can help.
Joy Reid had it right. … If you accept the premise that 9/11 was done by our side you are forced to disbelieve much of reality.
Assertion is no substitute for evidence,
Russia frequently makes the argument that its opponents as offing themselves to make political points. Extremely odd how many of Putin’s enemies could have come to this same dubious ploy according to him.
It is almost comically a tell.
don’t feed the tibtancowboy
The AP acquired a recording of one of the “sonic attacks” several months ago: