Discussion: Two Men Arrested In Attack Against 'Empire' Star Jussie Smollett

Not sure that this is really all that surprising.

Some new Nigerian arrivals in the United States seek to differentiate themselves from native-born African-Americans and speak derisively of them by using the slur “Akata” which means jackal.

When I was in high school, an African-immigrant kid (this was 1978, so I’m not sure anymore what country he was from anymore) told me that all black people were dumb and lazy. I was shocked that one black kid (and he was many shades darker than me) would say this sort of racist thing to another fellow black kid. When I said so, he replied, “I’m not black.”

I went home upset and told my father about this, and he said, “Give it three years. He’ll figure out that white America doesn’t think of him as any different than us and he’ll come to you with a black power fist in the air, calling you brother.”

Still waiting for that to happen.


It’s astounding how many people fell for this. It was clearly staged.

Ummmm, yup.

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I don’t know. I thought something was weird after first reading about Jussie’s attack here on TPM, so I wouldn’t blame the weirdness of the story on anyone. It’s just a weird story about a horrific attack.

I don’t know what happened, but the two Nigerian brothers have been released without charges, and they are no longer considered suspects.

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I hate that I think that this may have been a staged attack, but I also think that it would be disingenuous to state that there is nothing hinky about the story.

Also the fact that the Nigerian brothers have been released and are no longer considered suspects doesn’t bode well.

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I don’t know how thick the brothers’ accent are, so I can’t speak to that. I do know that the Nigerians that I know couldn’t even try not to have a thick Nigerian accent.

Many years ago I had a Nigerian coworker who was detained by police for attempted rape. The victim, who did not personally know my coworker, picked him out of a line up. The one thing that she said was that he didn’t speak with a Nigerian accent during the attack. She must have believed that he disguised his voice or something. She probably (to this day) still believes that it was him. But after being held in jail for several months, he finally was released and all charges were dropped. The fact that he couldn’t speak without a Nigerian accent was one of the facts that ultimately saved him.

In any case, the Nigerian brothers in the Smollet case have been released and are no longer considered suspects.

And one that the police are still referring to as “an alleged attack.” Choosing their words very carefully…

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I told my wife the day this story first broke that something didn’t smell quite right.

I actually hoped that I was wrong, for fear of what the backlash would be if it turned out the attack was a fake…

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I am not convinced of that yet. There are reports that they are potentially being investigated for helping to stage the attack, but at this point there is not enough evidence. Sometimes releasing people is a good way to get more info.

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From the Chicago Tribune: Chicago police want to question ‘Empire’ actor Jussie Smollett after questioning and releasing 2 brothers

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It’s unraveling.

The plot thins…

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And now they are saying those two guys bought the rope. Totally staged. This a-hole should do jail time.

If this is the case, it’s so very sad that Jussie (or anybody for that matter) would feel that this was an option or preferable to other actions to deal with whatever is going on in his life right now.

Like I said earlier on this discussion thread and on a previous discussion thread, something just seemed really hinky about the whole story. Among other things, his description of the attack and of the words that were allegedly used against him were (IMO) an over-the-top caricature of an idiot Trump supporter. Something just didn’t jive.

Also, if this was indeed a staged attack with the idea to direct blame on MAGA jerks, such an action just gives right wing assholes (POTUS included) more ammunition to criticize his opponents. We can’t be caught lying or faking attacks and blaming it on MAGA idiots.

Lying and faking is Trump’s MO, not ours.



Jussie Smollett 'paid Nigerian brothers to attack him’
The Nigerians, aged 25 and 27, left the US after the alleged 29 January attack. They were arrested on their return on Wednesday but were released on Friday and are now reported to be working with police.

On Saturday Chicago police said the investigation of their attack had “shifted”, having previously dismissed earlier suggestions that the attack had been staged.

EDIT Just in

Jussie Smollett had no role in own attack, lawyers say
“Jussie Smollett is angered and devastated by recent reports that the perpetrators are individuals he is familiar with,” a statement from lawyers Todd Pugh and Victor Henderson said.

“He has now been further victimised by claims attributed to these alleged perpetrators that Jussie played a role in his own attack. Nothing is further from the truth and anyone claiming otherwise is lying.”

One of the brothers is Smollett’s personal trainer, and the lawyers said it was “impossible to believe that this person could have played a role in the crime against Jussie or would falsely claim Jussie’s complicity”.