Discussion for article #233290
It is time for a Monument to the victims of police brutality.
It should be placed where every officer has to see it every day and the police must be charged with polishing and cleaning it every shift every day to remind them of who the real victims of blue crime are.
Another suggestion I have made before is that any settlements of polic misbehavior, criminal activity and murder should be taken out of the Police pension fund.
Maybe if the police started to realize that they have some responsibility for their bad behavior they might clean up their act and start to take their oath seriously.
Enoughpolice misbehave resulting in police on catfood diets in retirement could lead to a change of attitude.
Well whatever these Protestors were doing…its all up in smoke now. The Police had the upper hand in this one and deserve praise. As for the “protestors” they can go to hell. There is a lot of stuff that needs protesting but none of it needs it done this way.
Be polite and mind your manners. That’s how dissent works.
In Denver, some protesters held signs in support of Jessica Hernandez, a teenager who was shot and killed by Denver officers last month after she drove a stolen car toward an officer.
She was shot before the car veered toward an officer.
“That our officers, working the demonstration today, had to watch the outrageous vandalism to our sacred memorial, without being able to intervene, is inexcusable and unacceptable,”
Be careful what you worship; the monument was to honor police officers killed in the line of duty; the protest was to honor a young girl outrageously killed by police officers. Outrageous vandalism versus outrageous murder: equivalence?