Surely you jest. Trump didn’t win anything but the last word/insult against Cruz. My vote goes to Carson for not wanting to go on stage and make a fool of himself with the rest of those GOP losers. Even Trump looked senile in that traffic jam backstage. Well, that is his demographic, right?
Someone get a petition going.
Marcobot is such a great term. It needs to be used everytime we’re talking about Rubio.
marcobot malfunctioning on systems level
does not compute
404 error not found 404 error not found 404 error not found
404 error not found 404 error not found 404 error not found
i don’t know who christine teigen is, but that is one of the funniest reactions to rubio’s performance tonite…
I didn’t watch the debate, but it couldn’t have been any more annoying than Al Gore’s ‘lockbox’ line sixteen years ago.
Easy. He’ll just repeat his Iowa speech again (hoping that if he just says “I will be the nominee” enough times, it’ll just magically come true).
Unbelievable I’m surprised he did not say "Yes, Sheldon…Yes, Sheldon…
Elian Gonzalez most likely has a deeper breath of knowledge than Rubio.
Or Shrubs “Fuzzy math”
Rubio is ready to go straight to Disney’s Hall of Presidents.
Seriously. I am 70 years old this month. I have voted in every election since I was 18. The only one I missed was when we were living in Germany in the early 70’s and did not vote absentee one year.
I honestly do not think I can recall, at this level of presidential campaigning, a more complete and utter breakdown and malfunction of a candidate. This man is totally unprepared, unfit, and incompetent to be running for this office. He is the very definition of an empty suit.
The idea that Marco Rubio could function as an adult, and fill the role of President of the United States, just became completely unrealistic and in fact a travesty last night.
Even conservative commentators, including bat sh*t crazy Ann Coulter, are rendering robot rubio limb from limb on Twitter after this.
There you go again…oh, wait.
Marco was clearly channeling his inner Paula Prentiss
He is good at what he does. Is Rubio the ultimate voice mail response system?
Serious is there a there there with little Marco?
wonder where the parts were sourced…
You know, buy American with:
Ford 45% US sourced parts,
GM 37% US sourced parts…
Rubio: All Hat, No Cattle.
Hey Rubio!
You need an UPGRADE my friend! Your debating skills are laking originality!
Time for a Robo Reboot!
Excuse me. If you are 70 then you didn’t vote for the 1st time unless you were 21. My first vote was at 22 and I am 66. The law didn’t change to 18 until 1971.