Facebook actually hired crisis actors to PRETEND to ban Infowars.
“Twitter is reflective of real conversations happening in the world and that sometimes includes perspectives that may be offensive, controversial, and/or bigoted,”
But enough about the President…
I don*t follow on twitter but it`s a good way to get rid of stress - I can laugh at him .
Only way to make them change their minds is to make it hurt their bottom line. These are the type of people who would make money off of revenge porn sites if they could.
We know that’s hard for many but the reason is simple: he hasn’t violated our rules. We’ll enforce if he does.”
Maybe then you need a rule preventing people from harassing the parents of dead kindergartners so they don’t have to go into hiding.
Excellent. Now I can safely start that new Twitter account @HarassJackDorseysKids
And there’s not a thing he can do about it.
Why hasn’t Trump, who has threatened “Max” Waters, on Twitter been banned? Dorsey needs to enforce the company’s policies!
The company’s policy is to do anything that keeps the numbers up.
It would be wonderful to have a bot that responded to every one of alex’s posts with a quote from his testimony in the custody trial saying that everything he does on air is bullsh*t for the rubes.
"we prohibit targeted behavior that harasses, threatens, or uses fear to silence the voices of others.”
I guess the parents who lost their children in Sandy Hook don’t count. This guy’s an American citizen?
When are we going to recognize that Alex Jones himself is a crisis actor, who makes a damned good living at it? There is no “real” Alex Jones. He himself is fake news. So if you ever come across his corpse in the street, and it’s the so-called “Alex Jones” . . . just walk on by: there’s no there there.
Clearly Jack Dorsey’s kids are crisis actors and not real kids.
Dorsey said that it’s up to journalists to “document, validate, and refute” rumors and sensationalized issues spread by accounts like Jones’s so “people can form their own opinions.”
Oh…so you say Mr. Dorsey…then you say:
Dorsey acknowledged last year that the company hasn’t done enough to curb such abuse and protect users.
Both sides of you mouth Mr. Dorsey?