Discussion: 'Twas The Night Before Christmas' Used To Bash Obama's<span style="line-height: 1em;"> Guantanamo Plans

…blurts the SenateSonOf-a-Mitch.


A man who truly understands the spirit of Christmas. What a blessed time to fearmonger against the “other” and to attack your political opponents. Peace to you too, sir.


Should’ve just read Green Eggs and Ham.


So, Scott’s essential complaint is that Obama is keeping his pre-election promises. And here I thought that was a good thing.


Amen to that!

I might take this seriously if the Senator understood the difference between the words “to,” “too,” and “two.” The Rethugs are really desperate these days, aren’t they?



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Fine let’s have that debate

There are a reported 117 detainees in Gitmo (I had too much time on my hands) and yet maybe a few can get a fair military or civilian trial (guess why)

Aside from the NIMBY principle, why is Gitmo open again?

I’ll give Tim Scott one dollar if he doesn’t go Guilfoyle like in his response.

You have to hand it to the Conservatives…they can juggle both sides of an issue like a circus pro. The poem suggests we are endangered, should be afraid of Obama’s policies on GitMo. So I suppose they are afraid. But a second later they play tough guy and no one calls down the contradiction. You can’t be a bad ass and a fraidy cat. Either you’re afraid of terrorists …which is exactly what they want…or you are not willing to surrender to them and will stand tall. But you can’t do both.

Are they tough? ( bring em to the USA so we can kick their ass! ) Are they cowards? ( keep them in Guantanamo so we can be safe ) Perhaps neither. Just full of shit.


It also needs to be funny, so that leaves out GOPers.

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Tim Scott is there to make Ron Johnson look good by comparison.