Discussion for article #241836
Debbie W has handled this issue badly from the beginning. I just don’t understand this bullshit
Oh Goody!
Something the GOTeaPubs can glom on to for a diversion…
Bring back Howard Dean.
It is becoming increasingly clear that the chair doesn’t have the
political skills — or more likely, want to execute the skills — to make
this party a big tent.
I don’t see the drama here. There are some progressives who think the party is too big; that was one of the reasons the Blue Dogs were decimated in their ranks. Where does the “big tent” come into play or is this just a huge drama queen who wants to make problems?
And as for Gabbard being a “great leader of the party” that’s just strange. I mean, what? I know who she is but I think it’s a REAL stretch to say she’s any kind of leader of the Party.
DWS has always been a repulsive needlessly-triangulating Blue Dog of the worst sort. She milked being BFFs with Gabrielle Giffords to acquire and hang-on to undeserved power and is clearly out of her depth on a daily basis now.
I am sick of everyone dumping on Debbie. There is no need for more than 6 debates. I mean the democratic candidates get more air time in one debate than republicans in 3 debates. Enough already with the bashing.
It is funny how DWS seems like a good dem when I see her on a talk show somewhere, but clearly she is not in situations like this. I don’t recall the issue now, but I remember he being on the wrong side of something a year or so ago, and thought she should just become a Republican.
Let her go. Next year is too important to f*ck up.
We need him or someone like him.
But about the the title of this piece…
“She lied???” That headline is in the Kapur category of derp. There are other ways to phrase this which would not only be more accurate but also less RWNJ-friendly.
if you saw any of her teevee appearances, it was clear she was spinning like hell to retain that job. she is completely out of her depth.
On an personal level from what I have seen of Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, I like her. She seems dedicated and hard working. She has however, handled this and a few other issues very poorly. I also feel that she is partly the reason for losing the Senate to Republicans. This is a self inflicted would and a poor display of leadership skills.
With the democratic candidates acting, all things considered, quite respectfully and collegially among themselves, there’s not a whole lot of drama and divisiveness to be found in the campaign. Instead, the press turns towards some of the more over-the-top Hillary and Bernie supporters and the machinations within the DNC for it’s hyperventilation and gossip fix. I find it hard to believe that DWS and the DNC would be be given much attention by the press at all if the five democratic candidates were saying stupid stuff and were constantly at each other’s throats. But, gotta find some drama and the “Democrats in Disarray” meme somewhere.
Hear Hear, Ralph.
Axiomatically, the better the Dems do the derpier the MSM
Perhaps she is just taking her queue from GWB… Wasn’t his motto something like… if you have no respect for the person you are talking to then it is OK to lie.
If these two vice-chairs know anything about how not to be party leaders, they sure are demonstrating it themselves with this little display of posturing bullshit.
Wasserman Schultz has been over her head from the beginning. I’m just as uncomfortable with the unwarranted elevation of the Castro brothers…too young, too inexperienced, no matter belonging to such a coveted demo.
So now she is like Bush? Because a pair if malcontents with axes to grind are trying to turn a dukbshit move to emulate the GOP clown car circus debate schedule for their hobby reasons?